Tuesday 5 July 2011

History of Physical Therapy

Physical therapy, also referred to as physiotherapy, is a branch of medical science that deals with the treatment of injury and/or disorder by using physical methods. It is performed under the guidance of a physical therapist (PT) or an assistant (PTA). During a physiotherapy session, a therapist may use heat, cold, exercise, and at times, electricity. Like other medical fields, physical therapy has evolved tremendously. Let's take a look about the brief history of physical therapy.

History of Physical Therapy

The practice of physical therapy can be traced back to about 460 BC, when physicians Hippocrates and Hector used massage therapy and hydrotherapy (water therapy) to treat their patients. Massage therapy is a technique of physiotherapy, whereby basic hand movements are used to reduce stress, relieve pain and stimulate healing.

The earliest documented record of the founding of a professional group for physical therapy, was the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, in England, in 1894. It was a group formed by trained nurses with the aim to provide physiotherapy services to the general public. Following this, several institutes started training programs for physiotherapy, for example in 1913, the University of Otago, New Zealand, established the School of Physiotherapy.

However, it was during the World War I (1917-1918) that physiotherapy was performed widely as a rehabilitation therapy for people who were injured in the war. People employed for such rehabilitative work were known as reconstruction aides and they were trained nurses having background of physical education and massage therapy.

Shortly after this, in 1921, Mary McMillan (the first physical therapy aide) founded the American Women's Physical Therapeutic Association, which was later changed to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). She contributed a lot to the reconstruction aide services and came to be known as "The Mother of Physical Therapy". It was in the same year, that the first research paper on physical therapy was published in the US. The year 1921, was regarded as a landmark, in the field of physical therapy, as national accreditation of physiotherapy programs was introduced.

In the subsequent years, more research studies were conducted and papers were published on physical therapy. In 1924, the Georgia Warm Springs Foundation was established to fight the polio epidemic. Till the 1940s, common physiotherapy practices included massage, exercise and traction. It was only in the early 1950s that manipulative therapy for the spine and joint pain was introduced in the British Commonwealth countries. It is to be noted that until this time, physiotherapy was practiced only in hospitals.

In 1956, physical therapists, APTA and medical researchers jointly worked and cooperated on the Salk vaccine (first polio vaccine developed by Dr.Jonas Salk) trials, which led to the development of a polio vaccine. By this time, physiotherapy was being practiced as a common health care profession in the US. In 1974, clinical specializations in physical therapy was made possible, with the foundation of Orthopedic Section by APTA.

With the development of computer and technology in the 1980s, more advancement was observed in the field of physiotherapy techniques. For example, electrical stimulators and iontophoresis devices were introduced for practicing physiotherapy.

Nowadays, from a layman having back pain to a sportsperson suffering from a sports injury, physical therapy has become a common procedure for treatment of musculoskeletal injury and disorder.

Duties of a Physical Therapist

Physical therapists or physiotherapists are professionals who render services which assist people who are suffering from injuries or disorders, to preclude permanent physical impairments. They are responsible for reestablishing physical functions, meliorating mobility, and providing physical relief from pain. They carry out the important functions of restituting, maintaining, and promoting overall fitness and health of the people who require medical care. They care for and treat people who have road accident injuries, or are suffering from several disorders and diseases such as back pain, arthritis, heart disease, fractures, serious head traumas, and cerebral palsy.

The primary duties of physical therapists include studying the medical history of patients and examining and measuring their strength, balance and physical coordination, posture, functioning of the muscles, respiration and motor functions. They formulate strategies which depict treatments and their expected results. Such interventions mostly include physical exercises for individuals who are immobilized or deficient in flexibility, strength, or endurance. Physical therapists may introduce therapies which better the flexibility of motion of the patient's muscles. The main aim of these therapies is to improve the basic physical functioning of the individual, so that he is able to carry out his daily activities with optimum balance and coordination and power to withstand hardship or stress.

The task of physical therapists may include the use of electrical stimulation, hot packs, cold compresses and ultrasonography for pain relief and reduction in swelling. They use traction procedure or deep-tissue massage to help the patient get rid of pain and to restore circulation and flexibility. They recommend their patients to make use of helpful equipments, like crutches, prosthetic aids, and wheelchairs, which certainly help patients get back to a normal life. They educate and train their patients regarding various physical exercises which can be done at home, for faster recovery.

Physical therapists make a detailed record of the patient's progress, carry out periodical checkups and examinations and alter the therapies or treatments, if and when required. If needed, they frequently consult and work with other professionals from the medical field, like doctors, dental practitioners, nurses, pedagogues, welfare workers, occupational therapists, speech-language diagnosticians, and audiologists. This includes participating in multidisciplinary teams to plan and work out treatment modalities, according to the needs and suitability of their patients. They guide, train, and supervise therapy assistants, regarding care and treatment of patients and successful completion of standardized processes. Some physical therapists handle, treat, and cure a variety of illnesses, whereas others specialize in fields like pediatric medicine, gerontology, orthopedics, sports medicine, clinical neurology, and cardiopulmonary physical therapy.

Physical therapists carry out their tasks in hospitals, clinics, and private facilities which are equipped with latest medical technologies. They may also work with sports teams, and treat sportsmen with injuries such as muscle sprain or a cramp. They may be employed by schools, sports clubs, private or government hospitals or may be self-employed. The tasks which are carried out by them are physically challenging, as they may be required to stand for long periods of time or perform other strenuous tasks. Moreover, they may have to lift up patients, to help them stand, walk or turn and handle and move bulky instruments.

There are many more tasks which physical therapists may have to carry out, if needed. If one is in search of a career like this, which involves a lot of movement and helping individuals with mobility problems, a career in physical therapy would be ideal.

Anodyne Therapy

Does the pain push you to the verge of tears? Do you find it difficult to concentrate on anything due to acute pain? Are you looking for a fast and permanent solution to your pain? Have you heard of Anodyne therapy? If your answer is NO!, then you must read on, to know more about this new and amazing pain relief therapy, and if your answer is YES!, continue irrespective. Let's discuss different aspects of this therapy, and satisfy some important queries. Here we go!

Anodyne Therapy

Anodyne therapy is a type of light therapy, that uses monochromatic infrared rays to increase blood circulation, in order to relieve pain, muscle spasm and stiffness. It makes use of a special equipment called infrared therapy device, that is applied directly to the skin over the affected area. The monochromatic infrared photo energy from the device, passes through the skin and reaches the target area. It stimulates blood circulation in that particular region. Blood brings in nutrients and oxygen and flushes out the toxins. When this process runs successfully, the affected area recovers and begins functioning normally. This is the basis of anodyne therapy.

Anodyne therapy generally proves to be effective, immediately after the first session. The number of sessions depend on the patient's history and the severity of the pain. On an average, 3-4 sessions are effective enough to obtain the desired results.

Anodyne therapy has been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) as being one of the remedies that helps to temporarily increase blood circulation and reduce pain, stiffness and muscle spasms.

Anodyne Therapy Technique

Anodyne therapy can only augment the effect of occupational or physical therapy. Therefore, it is basically meant for those patients who are already undergoing regular conventional therapy. A patient can receive this form of therapy, either at the office of the health care practitioner, or at his own home. It depends upon the convenience of both the provider and the receiver. A provider does not need to necessarily have a certificate to provide the therapy. Only sound knowledge in this field is a must.

Before the first session of anodyne therapy, the provider conducts a detailed interview with the recipient, to understand the onset, duration and intensity of the pain. The patient is also required to discuss the goal of recovery and the type of the physical therapy already undergone.

Safety Aspects

Anodyne therapy can be used by all relatively healthy patients. It can be applied to all body parts, including the spine. It can also be safely used on metal implants, pins, screws, pacemakers and defibrillators. No adverse effects have yet been reported, but this therapy is still in its infant stage. There is still immense scope for medical research to be done in this field. It would be beneficial to consider the following points, to be on the safer side, before opting for the therapy.

    * It is always safe to opt for anodyne therapy, only after getting a prescription from a registered medical practitioner.
    * There is a possibility of skin burn, as this therapy involves infrared light. Therefore, the duration of exposure is something to be considered during application.
    * A tingling sensation is felt on exposure to infrared rays, as blood circulation is stimulated. For patients suffering from blood disorders, the tingling and burning sensation is more.
    * Diabetic patients need to check their blood sugar more frequently, while getting active therapy sessions.
    * Pregnant women should not use it over the abdomen or lower back, as it might harm the fetus development.
    * Anodyne therapy should not be used on cancerous tumors.
    * Topical heating agents like Icy Hot, Ben Gay and Capsaicin should be completely removed before an anodyne session.

When a health care practitioner believes that anodyne therapy might help in the management of the symptoms of pain, he recommends it to the patient. It is at this time that most people are made aware of this form of therapy.

The fact is that anodyne therapy is safe to use and has relieved thousands of people from pain and sickness. The provider only needs to be careful about the exposure levels of infrared light. The result would be nothing less than a happy, painless sigh of relief, on the face of the patient.

Physical Therapy for Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that appears in early childhood. It is a result of damage caused to the brain that impairs muscle coordination and body movement. Though not progressive, the damage can't be reversed. Although congenital in most cases, cerebral palsy is not detected until a child is a few months or a year old. Early symptoms of cerebral palsy surface before a child turns three. However, cerebral palsy can be caused after birth as a result of head injury due to accidents or brain infections, like bacterial meningitis or viral encephalitis.

Treatment for Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy can't be completely cured. However, there are a number of cerebral palsy treatments that can help a child overcome the disabilities associated with this disorder. Physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy often prove useful for children suffering from cerebral palsy. Certain drugs can also be prescribed to control seizures, muscle spasms and relieve pain. Sometimes surgery is used to remove physical abnormalities or relax tight muscles.

Physical Therapy for Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy seriously impairs a child's ability to move around. The freedom and fun that every child is entitled to can be restored with the help of physical therapy. A physical therapist is a professional who is trained to improve muscle coordination and movement, through exercise and other devices. A physical therapist goes through the medical history of patients, and then designs a treatment schedule depending upon the requirements. Physical therapy for cerebral palsy involves stretching, strengthening and repositioning of the muscles. This neurological disorder causes the muscles to become tight. Hence stretching them daily to increase flexibility, is an important component of treatment through physical therapy. Muscles are stretched by moving the limbs in such a way that it causes a slow a steady pull on the muscles. A physical therapist helps his patients to carry out exercises that would strengthen specific muscles for better support and movement. Positioning is done to reduce unwanted tone and to attain long stretches. For this purpose, a number of devices like braces, knee mobilizers, pillows, casts or splints may be used.

In his treatment a physical therapist may use the 'bobath' technique and 'patterning'. Sometimes due to cerebral palsy a child tends to retain some of the primitive reflexes. Using the bobath technique, a physical therapist relieves the primitive reflexes by repeated positioning of the limb in opposing movement. For example, if the limb of a child remains normally flexed, a physical therapist using this technique would extend it repeatedly. Through 'patterning' a physical therapist encourages a child to attain movements that develop along the normal path of motor development. For example, a child would first be taught to crawl and stand and then walk. Although certain therapists have reservations regarding 'patterning' due to lack of documented evidence of its value, nonetheless, it has proved to bear results.

Role of Family

Although physical therapy sessions are mostly done at hospitals, or at the clinic of the physical therapist, the role of parents and family is also important. It is often seen that cerebral palsy patients respond better to treatment in the comfortable surroundings of their home. Most of the physical therapy activities are simple. Parents can easily learn them and help their children with these exercises at home. Also, presence of parents provide a positive reinforcement to the child, that helps him respond better to physical therapy treatments. In fact physical therapy often includes interactive play. Playing with family members and with other children of the same age is encouraged.

The module of physical therapy for cerebral palsy changes over time, as a child may not retain the same disabilities, he did during infancy. The treatment program needs to be adapted continuously according to the needs of the child.

Restricted physical movement can often dent a child's confidence. During his struggle to overcome locomotive barriers, a child lays his deepest insecurities and frustrations bare in front of his physical therapist. Hence, a physical therapist needs to be more than a trained professional, who can help a child overcome his physical disabilities. He has to act like a patient guide and friend who would encourage the child every time he fails to stand up on his feet.

Animal Physical Therapy

People suffering from various injuries are often advised to visit a physical therapist. For years it has been common knowledge, that physical therapy is helpful in decreasing the discomfort associated with injuries. The same is applicable to animals, especially to dogs, horses and cats. Injured animals require a number of treatment plans, one of which is animal physical therapy.

Animal physical therapy is a developing field and an integral part of animal health care. It helps improve the lives of animals. As we all know, physical therapy has been extremely beneficial for humans. Recently, veterinarians found that physical therapy can also help animals recover from injuries. This was a major breakthrough in health care for animals. Even conditions like arthritis, chronic pain or even neurological symptoms observed in animals, can be effectively treated using physical therapy. Obese and overweight animals are often treated with physical therapy to assist in weight loss.

Animal physical therapy plays an important role in accelerating the healing process. Performing a surgery on an injured animal and discharging the patient without any physical therapy is an outdated approach. The main advantage of performing animal physical therapy, is that it speeds up the recovery. Animal physical therapy is an important part of veterinary care which simply cannot be ignored.

Benefits of Animal Physical Therapy

A physical therapy program can increase the success rate of any surgery. Post surgical management with physical therapy can expedite a successful recovery of the patient. The most important benefit of animal physical therapy is its ability to decrease pain in the injured parts. It also facilitates healing of inflamed tissues. If the joints are affected, then physical therapy will help maintain normal movements of the injured tissue. In some cases, limbs become paralyzed due to a severe injury. Physical therapy done on paralyzed or weak limbs, effectively prevents soft tissue contracture. Animal physical therapy plays a crucial role in strengthening weak or injured limbs. It also improves the function of the affected limbs. A neurologic or orthopedic injury, often limits the mobility of the patient. This can be overcome by using animal physical therapy. If you want your pet to undergo animal physical therapy, make sure it is performed by a licensed physical therapist who is specialized in the treatment of animals. You must verify the credentials and experience of the therapist, before hiring him for the job.

Animal Physical Therapy School

This is the place where veterinarians and even pet owners can learn various procedures and modalities involved in animal physical therapy. Some of the physically therapeutic modalities that are taught in these schools are as follows:

    * Massage therapy
    * Acupressure
    * Acupuncture
    * Ultrasound therapy
    * Hydrotherapy
    * Hot or cold therapy
    * Strengthening Exercises

Some of these techniques are taught in various veterinary colleges. Others are performed only by trained therapists. Animals respond quite well to these treatments. The main goal of animal physical therapy is to augment the quality of life, by effectively managing chronic and acute pain. So if your pet has sustained injuries during an accident, physical therapy will certainly help improve your pet's condition.

Causes of Numbness in Fingers

People often complain about numbness or a tingling sensation in various body parts. This can occur in any part of the body, but mostly this sensation is felt in the fingers, hands, arms, legs and feet. This condition is also known as loss of sensation, paresthesias, sensory loss or tingling and numbness. This numbness is also associated with other abnormal sensations, which are similar to tingling, prickling or burning sensations. Some people describe the feeling as pins and needles.

Nerves and Finger Numbness
It is the function of the nerve cells to carry sensations from various parts of the body to the brain. Any damage caused to these nerves, like a blockage of blood supply, can affect their functioning, which in turn results in the numbness or tingling sensation. The most common reason behind the occurrence of finger numbness is the damage caused to the nerves, due to nerve diseases, pressure or entrapment. If left untreated, the nerve damage can eventually lead to a permanent loss of sensation.

Some people experience extreme pain along with finger numbness, which can occur in any of the fingers or more than one finger. It is very important to figure out the fingers in which the sensation occurs. This helps in the right diagnosis of the disease causing this sensation. This can be treated and cured, provided the diagnosis is correct. Nerve damage being the common cause, some other medical conditions can also cause finger numbness. Let us go through the causes of numbness in fingers.

Nerve Damage
As stated above, finger numbness is mainly caused by nerve damage. Any damage to the upper spinal cord or the nerves in the arms may cause numbness in the wrists, hands and fingers. Carpal tunnel syndrome is another cause for finger numbness. This is a medical condition, in which the median nerve of the wrist is compressed and it can lead to numbness in the fingers, hands or arms. A neck injury can also lead to numbness in the fingers, arms or hand. Pressure at the elbow or chest can affect the functioning of the ulnar nerve, leading to numbness in fingers, especially the fourth and the fifth finger. In some cases, damage to the peripheral nerves (peripheral neuropathy) may be the reason for finger numbness. Nerve damage can also be caused by excessive consumption of alcohol, which is known as alcoholic neuropathy. Both diabetic neuropathy, which denotes nerve damage caused by diabetes and diabetic peripheral neuropathy (peripheral nerve damage due to diabetes) can cause finger numbness.

Even though nerve damage is considered as the common cause of finger numbness, this condition may develop as a result of other medical conditions too. Here is a list of some of the medical conditions which are also causes of numbness in the fingers.

    * Hand injuries can also cause numbness in the fingers. It can happen as a result of a broken finger or wrist.
    * Regular inhalation of some chemicals can also be a reason for finger numbness, in the long run. For example, the inhalation of smoke emitted from burning acidic dry cell batteries (contains toxic chemicals) can be a cause, provided, sufficient amount of smoke is inhaled, so as to develop the symptoms.
    * Insufficient or total blockage of blood supply to the fingers can cause this condition. Blood supply is blocked in case of frostbite too. This can also lead to tissue damage and numbness in the fingers.
    * People affected by cervical spondylosis often complaint of finger numbness along with neck pain.
    * Brain damage caused by a mini stroke or stroke can also cause finger numbness.
    * Tumors on the nerves in the neck, arms or wrists is another reason for the tingling sensation in the fingers.

If you experience finger numbness, which is persistent, then you should consult a doctor at the earliest. The doctor may need information regarding your medical history, family history, nature of your job, etc, for a correct diagnosis of the causes of numbness in fingers, which is very vital for the treatment. Treatment of the underlying cause along with occupational and physical therapy and exercises are helpful in curing the condition.

Heat Therapy Vs Cold Therapy

Injuries are part of our life. We can't restrict our work just because we don't want to get hurt. We usually use heat therapy or cold therapy to cure our injury. But, when to use which therapy? This question is frequently asked by many people. They usually make a comparison between heat therapy vs cold therapy or heat pack vs cold therapy or heat pad vs cold therapy. So, it's very important to understand the difference between these physical therapy options, their method of curing injuries and their area of effectiveness.

Heat Therapy
Heat therapy is among the oldest therapies. It is also known as thermotherapy which means heat cure in Greek. Heat therapy is advised when the person is suffering from chronic injury. Chronic injury can be a result of an unhealed acute injury which may be caused due to the lack of treatment. Heat therapy should not be applied if there is swelling or inflammation.

When heat therapy is applied to the affected area, four changes take place in the body tissue. It relieves the pain, helps in relaxing muscles, alters the blood vessels and there is a relaxation in the connective tissues. Heat increases the temperature of the body, this opens or enlarges the blood vessels and this results in excess blood flows through the affected part. This helps the injury to heal quickly as the blood carries healing fluids and a good amount of oxygen.

For heat therapy, you can go for a hot pack, warm water bath or wear a thick towel around the affected place and immerse the part into hot water. Heat wraps are also available in the market. Always avoid direct contact of the skin while taking the therapy to avoid the risk of burns. This therapy gives you relief from the muscle pain, increases the elasticity of the muscles and increases the blood flow. Don't used this therapy for more than 20 minutes. It is the easiest and the safest treatment.

When to Use Heat Therapy

    * You can use heat therapy in arthritis treatment as cold therapy can be harmful to you in such cases.
    * It is very effective in chronic pains.
    * In sprain, cramps, sore muscles and knotted muscles it can give you relief from the pain.
    * If you take heat therapy before the exercise or any other physical activity it will improve the movement and elasticity of the muscles.

Cold Therapy
Like heat therapy, cold therapy is also an old form of treatment. It is also known as cryotherapy which means cold cure in Greek. Cold therapy is usually given when the person is suffering from acute injury or we can say it is given immediately after the injury. Whenever we get an injury a message is send to the brain and immediately the healing process of our body starts. Excess blood flows to the injured area to heal it with oxygen and nutrition. This results in swelling and inflammation. Cold therapy is best to cure such injuries.

When we apply cold therapy to the affected place the metabolism of the cells decreases with a decreased rate of blood circulation as the blood vessels reduce in size. This results in the decrease in swelling and pain. Cold therapy is very effective if immediately applied after injury. You can take a cold therapy with a cold pack, ice packs, cold bath, etc. Don't take this therapy for more than 15 minutes. Avoid direct contact of ice cubes with the skin to minimizes the risk of cold burns. Hope this information must have helped you with the major aspects of heat therapy vs cold therapy debate.

When to Use Cold Therapy

    * Immediately after an acute injury to reduce swelling and muscle inflammation.
    * It is helpful after the workouts to minimize the inflammation and pain.
    * It should be used for 2 to 3 days after any acute injury.
    * Very helpful in spasm, sprains, knotted and pulled muscles.

Now when you make comparison between heat wrap vs cold therapy or heat therapy vs cold therapy, acute and chronic injuries should be kept in mind. Both therapies help you to get rid of pain but right therapy at the right time will give you a quick relief.

Knee Strengthening Physical Therapy

Do we realize the exact amount of dependency that we place on our knees in our daily lives? Hardly ever. We carry on with our walking and running and even the most mundane actions like bending or stretching with the greatest ease. It is only when the knees are affected and their actions limited that we understand just how much we use them. The knees are some of the most widely used parts of the human body. Most actions that have to do with the legs are carried out with the help of the knees. When a body part is used so much, one can pretty well decipher that it also runs the risk of being prone to injuries and that is what happens with the knees as a result. Athletes, sports people and those who are into heavy duty fitness sessions are some of those who are at the greatest risk of developing knee injuries. People who are obese are also at a higher risk of the same, because of the added pressure that is put on their knees. Other than that, a fall, injury or trauma to the knees are some of the most common causes of knee injuries.

Sometimes a knee injury is so severe that a knee surgery becomes important. And it is for the recuperation of the weakened muscles that support the knees, that a knee strengthening physical therapy has to be brought into action. To further the effects of the surgery, certain knee strengthening exercises are recommended by specialists. This physical therapy focuses primarily on strengthening the muscles that support the knees and thereby helps to reduce the pressure that is placed on the knee joints. It leads to faster recovery and prevents similar injuries from making way as often.

In the following section, we shall concentrate on the kind of exercises that knee strengthening physical therapy includes. These will showcase how to strengthen knees effectively well.

Knee Strengthening Physical Therapy Exercises

When undertaking knee strengthening exercises, maximum focus is placed on strengthening the hamstring and quadriceps because these are the muscle groups that support the knees maximally. Let us review some of these exercises in the following section.

Thigh Tensing

   1. Sit on a chair so that your soles are flat against the ground and the legs are bent at the knees in a 90 degree angle.
   2. Tense your right thigh so that you feel a tightness in it.
   3. Hold this position for 5-8 seconds and release.
   4. Repeat on the left leg.
   5. Alternate this exercise between both legs and do about 10 of each.

Leg Raises

   1. Lie on your back and bend the leg that is not affected. Place the sole of that feet flat against the bed.
   2. Now straighten the leg that is affected as much as possible.
   3. With the other leg bent, raise the straightened leg 3-5 inches off the ground.
   4. Maintain this position for 5-8 seconds before bringing it down. (Bring it down immediately if you feel any stress.)
   5. Try and do 8-10 repetitions. If you can't manage that, start out with 5.

Thigh Contractions

   1. Lie flat on your back and straighten both legs.
   2. Roll a towel and place it under the ankle of the affected foot.
   3. This will automatically straighten the knees.
   4. Press into the towel with your ankle and you'll see that the knee gets straightened further.
   5. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds.
   6. Release, relax and repeat. Do 10 more of the same.

Mini Squats

   1. Do this exercise when your knees have gained a little more strength.
   2. Stand on both feet, making sure that the toes and knees are pointed in the front.
   3. Bend your legs ever so slightly.
   4. Now try and balance on one leg and at the same time, try and do a mini squat by bending at the knees and lowering yourself.
   5. Stop, if there is any excess pressure felt.
   6. Repeat 10 times on the affected side.

Knee Circles

   1. Stand on a firm ground and bend your knees slightly.
   2. Place your hands over both knee caps.
   3. Make small circles with your knees with your hands guiding them.
   4. The circles have to be done with deliberate action, making sure that your feet are not lifted off the ground. If they are, it means that you are adding too much pressure.
   5. Form these circles on both the right and left sides. Do about 10 on each side.

P.S. - It has to be noted that the kind of knee exercises recommended will be different for different patients depending on the severity of their condition. Do not start out on them without consulting a specialist.

Other than these specialized knee strengthening physical therapy exercises, other simple knee exercises after surgery like walking, swimming and cycling are also recommended as a part of the treatment. These further the overall recovery by making the knee joints and surrounding muscles stronger. The recovery from a knee injury or surgery depends from one person to the other, but with these exercises being brought into the picture, it definitely helps to speed the process.

Physical Therapy for Shoulder Bursitis

Shoulder Bursitis is a condition that is caused when there is a swelling and inflammation of the bursa. The bursa is a small pouch that is filled with liquid, which surrounds the tendons and bones in order to protect them (Present all over the body). In the confines of this sac, the tendons and bones are protected, as well as allowed a medium which brings about a smooth range of motion. The bursa therefore facilitates the motion of the joints. Yet there are times when the bursa around the shoulders can get affected and thereby lead to swelling and inflammation. This condition is known as shoulder bursitis. With it, it brings about a lot of pain, sensitivity and trauma. There emerges a need to undertake several exercises for shoulder bursitis as well so that the shoulder pain can be dealt with and the functioning of the shoulders restored to normal.

There are several stages of physical therapy for shoulder pain that are undertaken in order to treat this condition and restore normalcy. In the following sections we will look through the varied stages of physical therapy for shoulder bursitis.

Physical Therapy for Shoulder Bursitis - Shoulder Bursitis Treatment

Physical therapy aims at increasing the efficiency of the affected part in order to bring about normal functioning of the same. This then involves several stages that target the problem from different angles and hope to bring about positive results.

Before getting to the varied exercises that are involved in strengthening the shoulders and treating the shoulder pain and inflammation, there are several other factors that are brought into the picture as well. What do these involve?

    * Rest - Avoiding any action that could aggravate the pain and lead to the worsening of the condition.
    * Medication - Pain killers and muscle relaxers are administered such that they can lower the pain that is caused and help a person deal with the situation better.
    * Packs - Ice or heat packs are administered to lower the swelling and inflammation.

Along with these factors, a physical therapist will also administer certain other techniques that will lead to the treatment:

    * Change in Lifestyle - A change in one's lifestyle becomes important so that the possibility of a relapse, or an aggravation of the condition does not come about. This then involves understanding the kind of actions that have to be avoided as well as those that can lead to a strain of the area.
    * Posture Correction - A wrong posture normally leads to the emergence of this condition. Special correction exercise are administered for the same in this order.

While these factors are important for curbing the aggravation of this condition and bringing it under control, the most important section of the physical therapy are the exercises that are administered which help in restoring the strength and the functionality of the shoulder. In the following section, we will take a brief look at some of these exercises as a part of the shoulder bursitis treatment.

Physical Therapy Exercises for Shoulder Bursitis

Here are some of the shoulder bursitis exercise that are undertaken as a part of this therapy.

Shoulder Extension

   1. Lie on your back and keep your arms by your side.
   2. Join them above your chest and then extend them over your head.
   3. Ensure that the arms are not bent even when above the head.
   4. Count till 5 and bring to the original position. Repeat 10 times and do 3 sets during the day.
   5. This exercise can also be done while sitting by keeping the hands straight and then extending them above the head.

Shoulder Push Back

   1. Stand against a wall with your arms at the sides.
   2. Take the right arm and push it into the wall. Hold for 5 seconds and bring back to the original hand.
   3. Then take the left hand and repeat the same.
   4. Repeat 10 times on both sides.
   5. Do this exercise thrice in a day.

Shoulder Crawling

   1. Stand facing a door or a wall and then using your left hand fingers, start crawling up the door and go as far as you can manage.
   2. Keep the hand at the highest point for 10 seconds and then bring to the original position.
   3. Repeat the same on the other side.
   4. Bring in 3 sets in total during the day.

These are the varied factors that the physical therapy for shoulder bursitis will involve. Here's hoping you've got the required information to carry forth the treatment for the same.

Physical Therapy Exercises for Torn Meniscus

The cartilage that is placed on top of the tibia and in between the femur bone and the tibia is the meniscus. It is this cartilage which enables the gliding movement of the knee joint. Torn meniscus is a common knee injury. A person can suffer either from medial or lateral torn meniscus. This injury is often caused due to forceful twisting of the knee joint, which causes the femur to grind into the head of the tibia. It can either only pinch the tibia or it can tear the cartilage itself. It is seen, that this injury is often caused during athletic activities. Although it is one of the most common injuries, treating the injuries is not as difficult. Using the physical therapy exercises for torn meniscus accelerates the healing process.

Medical Exercises for a Torn Meniscus

When one talks about the rehab exercises for torn meniscus, one should not only concentrate on the knee joint. There should be exercises to work the muscles in the entire leg. It is important that the thigh muscles are strengthened, which in turn will help in healing the cartilage. The quadriceps and the hamstrings will help in increasing the mobility and flexibility of the knee joint, which in turn will help to repair the meniscus.

Exercise # 1
Tie ankle weights around the ankle, which has suffered torn meniscus. Make sure you initially start with lowest of the weight possible. Sit on a chair with your leg hanging. Do not touch the foot to the floor and hold the position for a few minutes. Slowly lower the leg and repeat the same on the other leg, as it will help in strengthening the other leg as well. Ideally this exercise should be repeated 2 to 3 times everyday.

Exercise # 2
The next of the knee strengthening exercises for torn meniscus are the leg lifts. Lie on your stomach with both the legs extended out straight. Gradually lift the affected leg up in the air and hold it there for a few seconds. Release and slowly lower the leg. Repeat the same on the other leg as well. This exercise should be repeated 5 to 7 times on both the legs.

Exercise # 3
This exercise is often a part of physical therapy for a torn meniscus after surgery. To do this exercise sit on a chair with another chair in front of you. Place a pillow on the other chair. Extend and place both the legs on the chair in front of you. In this position the knee will be at a raised angle. Gently try to push the knee towards the floor, however, make sure you are using only the muscles of the leg for the same. Hold this position for a few seconds before you release the position and repeat the exercise. Ideally the exercise has to be repeated 5 to 7 times about 2 to 3 times daily.

Exercise # 4
This exercise helps in strengthening the calf muscles, which in turn helps in healing the torn meniscus. Stand close to a chair for support. Make sure there is about 6 to 10 inches away from the chair. There should be hip width distance between your feet. Hold onto the back rest of the chair and slowly raise your heels off the floor and balance your weight on the balls of the feet. When you raise your heels make sure your knees are straight. Hold the position for a few seconds and then gradually release and repeat the exercise 3 to 5 times, twice daily.

Exercise # 5
The next of the exercise for torn meniscus is walking in waist deep water. It helps in rehabilitating the injured knee. Walking in water will cause no impact on the knee joint, but the resistance of water will help in strengthening the muscles of the leg. If the pain is not immense, you can try to run slowly in water as well.

These were some of the physical therapy exercises for torn meniscus. Before you practice any of the exercises, it is advisable to consult your physiotherapist about the same. When you are doing the exercises, if you notice any kind of pain, stop doing the exercise immediately and consult your physiotherapist about the same.

Monday 4 July 2011

Body Language of Someone in Love

Love is a wonderful emotion that can make you go mad. We often say "Love is in the air", rightly so! Love is something which makes you feel very different from within and thus shows it's signs in your body language and you might end up showing all of them, unknowingly! And as they say, non-verbal communication is any day of more significance than just verbal talks. So, body language of someone in love, matters a ton. People are often confused whether they "love" or "like" someone but, liking is the initial stage of loving. Liking is something in which you might handle yourself, but not when in love. Love has it's own body language, so if you love someone, then you are sure to show the body language love signals listed below.

To love someone, you would definitely want to be his/her friend first to understand him/her. I believe, knowing each other is of utmost importance only after which you can be confident and say, "I love you". Friendship can just do the trick! Also, caring, understanding, trusting and accepting each other's faults, being true...being yourself and being loyal can make your love immortal!

Body Language Love Signals When in Love

Body Language Love Signal #1
The first body language love signal shows in your eyes. I am sure you agree on this one. Eyes can never lie; they always depict what you feel and for whom. Your eyes will always want to see that special someone, when in a group of friends or otherwise. Making eye contact is a common thing that people do when in love. Also, looking away when s/he catches you, comes to you naturally, when in love. Eye body language is the best way to know that you are in love.

Body Language Love Signal #2
When you are in a common friend circle, you would always want to notice his or her reactions to each and everything; say a joke or any time pass talk which is going on. You can say, you are looking for a chance to look at him/her.

Body Language Love Signal #3
If you are in love, you might just be lost in your own world even though you are happy and the person is sitting besides you. Many thoughts might come to your mind during that span as to whether s/he likes me? or 'How should I tell him/her?' or 'When should I confess?', etc.

Body Language Love Signal #4
You would want to talk with that person for hours and hours, but you would surely ignore him/her many a times, which you will realize too, but you would do it purposely. You won't feel good about it later, but you will be weird because you wanted to be. This might happen when you are really frustrated with yourself and think what have I done to myself?

Body Language Love Signal #5
When at home, you would always want to chat with him/her or call him/her to know what's going on in his/her life. Rather, I would say, wait for his/her call or message. You will share every damn thing with him/her and really enjoy those "talks" even though they are just of 5 minutes or so. Also, you will always go through the chats or think about what you spoke with him/her, later.

Body Language Love Signal #6
It is but obvious that you love him/her means you are attracted to him/her. Attraction is an important body language of someone in love. You will always want to be close with or lean towards him/her or sit next to him/her, when in a friend circle. You will obviously feel awkward, but you will do that! This is very normal. The hormones do it. It's not your fault. You can also read through some signs of attraction.

Body Language Love Signal #7
Also, the most important thing apart from your eyes, is your smile. It says it all! You will always smile when you talk to him/her, more precisely when you think about him/her. It won't be your normal smile. It will be "Different!" :) I hope you got it, because it can't be explained.

Body Language Love Signal #8
Also, you would talk/discuss about him/her 24x7 with others, say your best friends and you would love doing the same.

Body Language Love Signal #9
The most important thing that will make you feel that you love someone is being happy. You will always feel good and be extremely happy when you are with him/her. You might forget all your problems and enjoy every moment of being with him/her.

Body Language Love Signal #10
The last of all is your mind, it will always think of him/her, especially while going to sleep. You will close your eyes and s/he is bound to come in your thoughts.

Body Language Love Signal #11
Also, if you have started looking good suddenly and there is a glow on your face, sure shot you are in love. Your facial expressions will change and I am sure you will feel, you look so damn good, when looking in a mirror! You would also make it a point to look good all the time at least whenever you meet him/her. Gain some tips on facial reading.

Body Language of Men and Women in a Relationship

    * Body language love signals shown by couples in relationships, would always be something like being together all the time, caring and understanding each other. We all know what's PDA (it is a body language love sign as well!)
    * They would rely on each other for everything and would honestly, take each other for granted, since they "have" each other.
    * Being romantic and making love would also be in their mind; it's a definite body language love sign.
    * Also, women would always want their partner to be with her during her sad times.
    * And mind you, women are very serious when they love someone; they want to spend their entire life with their partners.
    * On the other hand, men want to fight alone because they feel they have the strength to do so. But they can be much more caring than their partners, because when they love someone, they can do anything for her.

I hope you must have understood until now that body language of someone in love is "different". BUT, men are men and women are women! And when it comes to confessing "I love You"; both the sexes think apart which is evident from their body language. Women always want the special someone to understand that she loves him and would always feel shy and reluctant in confessing first. They will wait until they are sure about the guys' feelings and would expect the guy to make the first call. Men are totally different. Even if they love her, they feel hesitant to confess because they are supposed to be the superior sex. They will want to take their own time to realize they are in love but when they do realize, they will end up proposing, surely. Refer to body language and signs of attraction and signs of male attraction, if you are still confused.

So, if you love someone (I am sure you must have some time shown the body language love signals listed above), it's great! Choose the right guy/girl and make sure s/he likes you as well. Don't get carried away and I hope you will get him/her soon, if you haven't. All the best! :)

How to Attract Men with Body Language

Many guy friends, a fabulous group of girls and guys and basically having a wonderful time hanging out and partying with them was what Sarah's life was all about. She had a fantastic career ahead of her. The only thing was all the girls in her group, her friends were either engaged or had boyfriends. She was the only one single. Sarah was smart and quite good looking and was a girl with a good heart. There was no reason for her not to find someone.

Been there done that? Or seen that happening probably with your best friend? What could be the answer to this? Well, let me try. Is it mastering the art of body language and attraction? Or the property of being a plain Jane? If it is the former, how to attract men with body language is what you might be looking for. So are you ready? Here we go!

Attract Men with Body Language
They say that the first impression is the last impression. Well, not exactly but to some extent yes, it is true. So we take the fundas, that is body language signs of attraction and attracting someone, starting from that norm!

Primal Instinct
The primal instincts always overpower any other quality. The looks and the appearance of the girl are the first thing attracts a guy. Even before you interact with that person you have made an impression on the guy. The bottom line, dress well, feel good, do some make-up if you feel like. Whatever you do, you should feel good and confident. Simple?

Smiling is the Key
Okay, you are interacting with a guy. You cannot be all snooty and grim faced, especially when you have sort of liked him at first sight. So smile, and not laugh raucously, that can put off your guy. Have that sweet smile going when looking at how to attract men. That smile should come from within and not just because that is a tool of attraction. There is nothing as bad as faking a smile. A smile from within always works when it comes to attract men as far as female body language is concerned.

Lip Sync
Is it your first date? Dunno what to do? Let me tell you. If you are eating, there is your chance if you like that guy and are looking for ways to attract men with body language. When you eat, lick your lips slightly and eat the food with a purposeful but subtle show of great pleasure. Oh yes and make sure that you look into his eyes and smile demurely while you lick your lips a bit! There! That is going to do the trick! The guy is surely going to fall for you! Talk about how to attract a guy and this is what you do along with many other things.

Eyes Say it All
Eyes are a powerful medium of expressing what is in your mind. If you want to know about how to seduce men, or how to turn a guy on, it all starts from the eye contact and what your eyes say. Flirting body language is initiated by your eye contact and then it is taken ahead. So simply put, maintain a good and pleasant eye contact with the guy you like. This is one of the major flirting signs amongst many others.

Hairy Tales
Playing with your hair, toying with it is one of the most potent weapons when you want to attract men with body language. It has a dual connection. It says that you are attracted to him and if you have reasonably good hair, that is what men find attractive in women, they say. Toss it around, run your hand through it. The point is to get it away from your face and shoulders so that the skin there is exposed! Whoa! If you want to know how to flirt with men, these are baby steps taken towards that!

You read about this body language, explained in connection with how to attract men, but then, these are general pointers about it. It is actually a very subjective thing as to what a girl would do or how would she behave with a guy. One thing is sure though that these are some of the things girls do which is what attracts men to women in many cases. On that note I realized that a little bit of subtle skin show wouldn't do a lot of harm, what say?

Last, but not the least, a cardinal rule of how to attract a guy with body language is to be confident and to be yourself! Before you do all this, get an idea if he is at least a wee bit interested in you! All the best darlings!

Physical Attraction

Have you ever been in a relationship where you don't know if it's love or just a physical attraction? It's tough to guess, isn't it? Especially at times when someone else has invested his/her time in you. Finding love, understanding the definition of love, having a strong relationship, etc. etc., it all starts from getting physically attracted to someone. As you're reading this, there may be times when you may or may not agree with what I have to say here, and that's okay. The point is, we all have been in bad and healthy relationships before, had our hearts broken one time or another, and made some really bad choices when it comes to love. But all these experiences in our love life makes us who we are and gives us courage to perhaps make many more mistakes further on.

Alright, that was a joke and I'll try to tone them down as I move forward in this article about understanding what physical attraction really means. Okay, we'll start with a scenario. Let's assume that you're at a party; it's a private affair, so there isn't a huge crowd you have to muscle around to get to the end of the room. You're standing in the balcony, a drink in your hand, talking to the host of the party. In comes a gorgeous woman or handsome man and instantly you turn around to see who it is. There's a spark (somewhere in your brain) and you find yourself staring. I mean, literally gawking. What is it? Why is it so important for you to catch that person's attention? Do you feel that it's love at first sight? No, it can't be love; at least not so soon. Then is it that you're attracted to him/her physically? That might make sense.

Physical attraction is natural; it can happen to you anywhere, anytime, and with any person. It's not that there has to be a sexy girl or a hot guy standing in front of you for that to happen. We get physically attracted to a lot of people in our life. But how can someone tell these physical attraction signs? Do men and women give similar or distinct physical signs of attraction? That's exactly what we're here to find out. And that's what the article will (try) to make some sense on.

Physical Signs of Attraction

All relationships begin with one or two people physically attracted to one another. And if you try to deny that fact, then you're lying. Without this little piece, no relationship can ever move forward. Before we even muster the courage to ask someone out on a date, there has to be a kind of physical attraction between the two.

So how can someone determine the signs of romantic attraction in men and women? Whether you've met the person for the first time or are trying to find these physical attraction signs in a friend, you can know if someone has feelings for you.

Physical Attraction Signs - Women
As every guy knows it by now, women are really tough to read. You can never, ever, ever tell what goes on in her head (and you never will). Which is why, spotting those body language signs of attraction can get complicated. So if you're a guy (or girl) who wants to notice the physical attraction signs from a woman, there here's what you need to keep an eye on:

    * If she's talking to someone else and wishes to get your attention, she will laugh or talk loudly.
    * Sometimes, she can also ignore you completely (I know that's a really bad thing we do, but we can't help it).
    * Study female body language signs. She might play with her hair, flip them over her shoulders; show some skin.
    * In more bold terms, she could also give you a sensual stare; trying to lure you in.
    * She's speaking to you (specifically) and "accidentally" touches your hand, back, or somewhere else.
    * When in conversation, she leans in and whispers something in your ears and leaves giggling; it's a sure sign.
    * Another great body language you can be on the lookout for: she touches her shoulders, face, arms, or lips while she's talking to you.
    * Last, but certainly not the least, she flirts with you. That's the biggest flirting signals of attraction from women (let's just assume that you can at least spot that, if nothing else).

Physical Attraction Signs - Men
"Men are from Mars and women are from Venus". That is so true. When both sexes are so diverse, how in the world are they ever going to understand one another? I guess if we all had a solution or answer to that question, I wouldn't be here writing this article and you wouldn't read it. It's true, men are different from women and it can take us some while to get to their signs of attraction.

As I write this, why do I have a feeling that you're thinking, "Men only think about sex and getting into bed with the first attractive girl he can find". Although that can be the case with some guys, most of them don't think like that. Now what kind of guy you're attracting is an issue for another article and we won't even touch that topic right now. We want to find the signs of male attraction and this is what you should be looking for:

    * First and foremost sign, he comes over to talk to you. Guys don't play hard to get and they mostly just like to go for it.
    * If he can't come to talk, he will make sensuous eye contact. He'll give you one of his breathtaking smiles.
    * He'll want to get close to you, physically. I'm talking about closing the distance between you two.
    * The guy would want to touch your (if you're flirting back) arms, face, or lips.
    * He will try to catch your attention by giving you one of those longing stares. The kind of stare that will melt you right then and there.
    * One of the sure signs he likes you is that he'll be attentive to what you have to say. He might open the door for you, grab a chair, or something really sweet.

Having or showing physical attraction to someone doesn't mean wanting to have sex with them. It goes a step beyond just physical needs; physical attraction in men and women is more like a stepping stone towards something serious. There are tons of relationship magazines that give you physical attraction tests to take and at the end, they will tell you if you or someone else is attracted to you physically. It doesn't really work that way. Every person is different; they think, act, feel, and experience life in their own, unique way. Then how can we just generalize both the sexes in some fixed set of rules and regulations? If you want to know if someone is truly attracted to you, physically and mentally, you, as an individual, will know it from your heart. And once you make up your mind, nobody can tell you otherwise.

Love: Body Language

No one has a perfect or accurate answer for what love is. Some say it's divine, some say it's life, and for others it just happens when they come across someone interesting. Well there is nothing good or bad about love, it is just about 'clicking'. It's that weird moment when you feel that you belong to that person and this belief keeps getting fortified as you meet that person more. In fact this belief makes you want to see that person more often. It's like a vicious circle that goes on. No one knows how it happens but we can certainly identify people who are caught up in this vicious circle of love.

Love and body language share a close relationship. For those in love, love actually seems to be in the air when they communicate with their love virtually through air. They transfer those love vibes, love gazes, and all that jazz through air itself without uttering a word! Well its magical, I guess! But the interesting thing about love signals is that even other people can catch these signs and signals. If you wish to know about these signs of love body language then read further.

Male Love Body Language

If you are wondering if that cute guy you are planning to date likes you or not then read on. Given below are some of the signs of male attraction that will help you determine if he likes you or not:

    * One of the most striking of body language of men who are in love is their gaze. They not only catch her gaze but hold it for a second more than necessary.
    * When he sees her his eyebrows will be raised a little, nostrils will be flared, and the lips too will be flushed for a significant time.
    * He will also try to fix his attire and run a hand through his hair to look presentable and neat.
    * While talking he will blink more often and his body will be pointing at the direction of women he is attracted towards.
    * One of the sign of flirting body language of men is that their hands, legs, and knees will be spread to show that they like her and are open for a relationship.
    * If he is with his friends, he will continuously throw some gazes at particular intervals to show that his attention is focused at her.
    * One of the important signs of attraction from men is that they will also try to use their masculinity by standing tall, taking out their chest, flexing muscles, and wearing some manly attitude.

If you were confused and were wondering about how to know if he loves you then the above tips will help you.

Female Love Body Language

If you want to know if the women you are eying is interested in you or not, all you have to do is read her body language. Given below are some of the most common body language signals that are exhibited by women:

    * Her eyes do the talking. When a women likes a man her pupils will dilate and she will maintain a prolonged eye contact with a man that she likes.
    * She will pay attention to every word uttered by the guy and she will also seek his reaction on everything she says.
    * One of the unmistakable flirting body language of women is crossing and uncrossing the legs while taping her thighs smoothly.
    * While talking to a man she will keep stroking an object such as a glass or a flower pot etc. It is one of the prominent part of women body language if she wants to tease and entice him.
    * If not she will keep playing with her hair and show her bare beautiful skin to the man she is interested in.
    * One of the most feminine gesture is that she would show off the curves to a man as a sign of attraction.
    * She will also run her hands or tongue from the lips to draw the attention there.
    * She will lean to him while talking. It is to show that she likes him and feels secure with him.

These were some of the signs of attraction for women that are pretty easy to understand. So the next time you like a girl you know what to look for.

Couples in Love Body Language

If you want to know that the so called 'best friends' in your office are really going around then read the following tips on body language of someone in love that will help you understand if they are in love or not:

    * They will look into each others eyes most often and maintain a prolonged eye contact.
    * When they are in a group they will seek each others attention as well as a reaction to whatever they say.
    * You may find them often lost in their own world and thinking about something even if they are together.
    * One of the crucial part of body language when falling in love can be observed when they are walking together. They will walk together but often look in front or the ground and rarely into each others eyes.
    * When they are not together you will notice them talking or messaging on the phone more often.
    * They also act protective and caring about their spouse and may display some jealousy if their partner is paying undue attention to someone else.
    * Another thing is their smile and glow on the face. The happiness and feeling of love can be seen on their face.
    * They appear optimistic, content, and happy with each other.

These were some of the body language signs of attraction for those who are in love that you can notice if you want to be assured if your friends, or colleagues are in love or not. I hope this information on signs of love body language was resourceful for you. But, remember that though love has its own body language you may not be able to understand it every time. Everyone has a unique way to express love so you may not observe any signals at times. At such situations all you have to do is confront your love to that person and seek his or her answer.

Body Language of Attraction

"Body language is a very powerful tool. We had body language before we had speech, and apparently, 80% of what you understand in a conversation is read through the body, not the words." ~ Deborah Bull

Have you ever noticed, it is easier to approach some people as compared to others, even though there is nothing that has been said or done, but still, there are some people that are easy to gel with, as compared to others! Why is that so? Also, while you are sitting in a bar looking at this great girl right across, there is something that doesn't give you the push to go out to her and talk…and then you look at a different direction and find another woman who is equally gorgeous, but somehow you feel it more safe to approach her as compared to the first one? Why is that? A sign from God? No, it was a sign of her body language!!! Body language attraction can work even without us realizing the impact of it! This article will tell you all about how you can read the signs of body language when it comes to attracting people. Read on…

Body Language Attraction Signs

This section will help you read the body language signs of attraction which we all tend to give out to others, be it knowingly or unknowingly! Have you had that experience, wherein you are doing something, or saying something, without having any idea of what you are saying or doing! This usually happens in front of the person you are attracted to. You don't do it on purpose, it just happens. Similarly, there are some body language of attraction signs that we do on purpose to show the other person that we like them, while there are other signs that just come naturally to us. Below mentioned are such signs which can help you understand about the other person's interest in you or vice versa. Have a look…

An Inviting Smile
Yes, it's an inviting smile that attracts a person towards you and makes them feel that you are approachable! There are different kinds of smiles. But only the one that reaches your eyes is considered to be a genuine and inviting smile! When a person smiles at you, even if you have never spoken in words before, the smile will tell you that here is a person whom I can speak with.

A Spark in the Eyes
Now, by saying a spark in the eyes, I don't mean that you will see the person's eyes filled with glitters!!! If you are close enough, the sure shot sign that the person is attracted to you is the dilation of the pupil. They say that when a person is attracted to something, the pupils start to dilate. Even if you are not that close to notice it, the smile will always accompany clear and fully opened eyes, because if the person is interested, the smile will reach the eyes.

The Posture
Posture also plays an important part when it comes to body language and signs of attraction! If a person is sitting or standing with their knees pointing towards you, this means that the person is interested in talking to you. Speaking of women, if they are sitting crossed leg with the toes pointing in the other direction, this means that she is really not interested, so you must back off! However, if she is sitting crossed leg or with crossed arms, but her toes or knees are pointing towards you, this means that she wants to talk to you but is just not comfortable with herself at that point of time! As far as reading a man's body language is concerned, they will try to make as much as eye contact as possible, and will always lean towards you, or sit or stand in the same direction as you. The leaning will be at a distance of course!

The Closeness
This is something most men are very scared off, and often confused about! How much distance is 'safe distance'??? Well, when you are approaching a woman to speak to her, you must be close enough so that she can hear you, but not too close so that she is forced to call 911!!! It is best to be at a distance of about 15-20 inches. If you invade her space, that is get too close, she will immediately step back. This is an indication that you are crossing the boundaries. Let her decide how close she wants to get. Also, make sure that you don't put your arms behind your back. Be a gentleman, not a cadet!

The Preening
Now this is among the body language of attraction signs that mostly happens naturally, without the person realizing it. If you notice yourself, or the other person doing it, this means that there is definitely a mutual admiration for each other. Usually, the signs of attraction from women include, playing with their hair by rolling their fingers on them, or may be toss them over their shoulders. While men on the other hand may fiddle with their tie or shirt buttons, or try to clean the imaginary dirt on their shoulders.

The Mirroring
Another major sign of attraction through body language is the mirroring. Again, this is something that happens automatically and not intentionally. Also most of the time, you can easily make out if a person is doing it intentionally or things are just happening. An example for mirroring would be, complementing each other at the same time, holding the glass in the same direction, ordering the same drink etc etc.

These were the major signs of body language attraction. Similarly, there are many many signs that we tend to emit while socializing with others. Not only is it important to be careful of what you are noticing in others, it is also important to be sure whether you are giving out the correct signs. As mentioned in the beginning of the article, 80% of what you understand in a conversation is read through the body, not the words. Good luck!

Importance of Eye Contact in Communication

Researchers studying human psychology are of the view that non verbal communication plays an important role in effective communication. Eyes are known as the "windows of the soul" and express our emotions when words fail us. We all are well aware about the importance of eye contact in communication. It enables us to develop a connection with the person we are speaking to and not making an eye contact can send out signals to others that we are disinterested. Maintaining an eye contact doesn't mean staring constantly in other person's eyes, doing this, in fact can send an offensive non verbal message.

Public speaking still ranks highly on the list of most dreaded things in America, but there are times when we have to come out of our comfort zone and deliver a speech, especially in our professional life. If you are an able orator and impress people with your oratory skills, then your bosses are more likely to sit up and take notice. There are a lot of things that make a good speech, but as this article is on the importance of eye contact, we will focus our attention on the necessity of engaging your audience through effective eye contact.

Importance of Eye Contact during Speech

While delivering a speech, it is important that you make eye contact with several people or groups of people. Fixing your gaze on one particular individual or group may make other members of the audience feel that they do not hold any importance to you and this can cause them to be disinterested. It is important that you know the appropriate duration till which you are supposed to make eye contact with the members of the audience. There is a difference between making eye contact with your friends and loved ones, and members of the audience and it is important that you remember that. When you are speaking to one particular individual, all your attention is focused on that one person, but in case of an audience, you have to make sure that you make eye contact with as many people as you can. Successful orators agree that the way they use their body language to put their point across plays an important role in delivering an effective, well-received speech. (Also see, eye body language).

Importance of Eye Contact in Interviews

Interviewers often make statements like, "we selected him because he appeared more confident" or "he came across as an assured young man, with a lot of potential". How does an individual make himself appear more positive than others? The answer to this lies in how we communicate both verbally and non-verbally in an interview. If we fail to make eye contact in an interview, we run the risk of being labeled an introvert or the interviewer may get a feeling that there is something not right about us. Making eye contact portrays one in the right way and ensures creating a positive impression on the interviewer.

While we have mentioned the importance of eye contact in communication, it is also very important to know that in various cultures, making an eye contact is considered offensive. For example, in China people tend to avoid making eye contact as they consider it as a mark of respect. In Middle Asian countries, eye contact between a man and a woman is minimal (unless you are closely related to each other). It is very important therefore that you do a bit of research on how to conduct yourself in public, if you are planning to make a trip abroad.

All of us know the importance of eye contact in communication, but still sometimes it gets neglected, may be because we are not comfortable with the situation or we take the other person for granted. Our eyes have the power to communicate what we are feeling or how we perceive a situation. It is imperative for us to put in the required effort so that we master the art of making appropriate eye contact to ensure that we are good with our social and interpersonal skills.

How to Spot Genuine Signs of Female Attraction

You know her, she knows you, there is a spark, but you're not sure whether it will lead to anything else. How do you understand whether she is genuinely attracted to you? Body language speaks a lot, and when they say actions speak louder than words they may not be wrong. However, body language itself is not enough to decipher a woman's intentions. There are a lot of other things that can tell you whether she is genuinely attracted to you. Now in this article, we don't discuss the 'meet-at-a-bar' and get attracted kind of attraction. Here, we discuss the attraction that develops after getting to know one another, perhaps still in the initial stages. Here's how you can spot genuine signs of female attraction.

Signs that She is Attracted to You

It is a fact that getting to know whether a girl is genuinely attracted to you is difficult. Going beyond those smiles, that apparent physical closeness, playing with her hair, and that eye contact is going to be a little challenging. But as mentioned earlier, there are some actions that can give out signs that she may be genuinely attracted to you. These signs have been enlisted here, and when you go through them, you will probably find yourself a little enlightened and better equipped to decide what to do next.

✴ The probable first sign is her attempt to make the first move, or introduce herself to you. Not many girls do that; they tend to wait for guys to make the first move. But if she does, take it as a sign that she may be attracted to you.
✴ She is genuinely interested in everything you tell her, and is likely to remember details of the conversations you had. Don't be surprised if she shows up with something you told her you like but were unable to buy for some reason. And be prepared for some more.
✴ She is likely to send you random text messages to strike conversation with you, and provide you insipid, irrelevant details about her life; and then she may tell you she doesn't know why she's sharing these details with you.
✴ If you have common friends, and if they are as close to you as they are to her, they may tell you that all she talks about is you, in your absence. Flattering, isn't it?
✴ Talk to another woman in her presence and watch her get jealous. This jealousy is reflected in her demeanor and she may walk away, or suddenly become quiet, or may express her anger by clenching her fist. In fact you will notice these signs even if you simply talk about other women to her.
✴ As mentioned earlier, one of the common signs of attraction from women is that they pay attention to everything the men they like happen to say. So if you happen to tell her one day that you like something she is wearing or the way she has made her hair, she may end up dressing in that fashion more often.
✴ A girl who likes you will cancel her plans with her friends to spend time with you, even if you mention it only once. She will even answer your calls when she is with her friends and excuse herself from their company to talk to you. Speaking of calls, should you happen to call her in the middle of the night for any random reason, she will give up her sleep to talk to you.
✴ She will meet your friends and spend time with you and them no matter how awkward she may find it, just to be with you.

Disclaimer: These facts are true for most girls, though some girls may approach the whole situation differently. This is not an attempt to generalize the signs of female attraction, but just an insight into how they are most likely to behave if they are attracted to a man.

When a girl goes so far so as to do all these things for you, you can probably take it that she likes you and is attracted to you. Make sure you respect her feelings for you, and if you don't feel the same way, please do not lead her on. It is simply hurtful. If on the other hand, you are attracted to her, talk to her about it. You never know, you may be able to strike a great relationship; something that you have always been looking for. Good luck!

How to Read Faces?

Many people are known to employ tactics of utilizing ways to read a person through body language in their professional and personal life. The importance of having the correct body language is now being realized by people in various spheres of life. So have you often felt you did not read a person well enough? Have you ever wondered how to read faces? Here, we shall check out various telltale signs to know a person better and some tips you can use for face reading.

How to Read Faces?

For many years, people have used the art of face reading in order to be able to study and know a person more effectively. There are certain dos and don’ts associated with face reading theories. All these theories may not always hold the truth for everybody but there are times when these ways to read faces can certainly prove to be useful. Here are some ways:

The shape of the face has a lot to say about the person as well. A person with a long or a thin face would mean he/she is tolerant and generally prefers to always accomplish their tasks. Such people in general also have an attractive persona. A person with a broad face would mean that he/she is completely compassionate about many issues and are also broadminded in nature. A round shaped face is a sign of a jovial person; he/she knows how to liven up the atmosphere. People with square shaped faces are generally gung-ho about achieving their dreams.

The eyes of a person are said to be indicative of a lot of things. The eyes can reveal a lot about the individual. As we already know, eyes are the window to a person’s soul therefore a careful look at the person’s eyes can reveal more than what the person may wish to! A person with rather small eyes indicates that he/she is very precise about things and pays a lot of attention to detail. People with large eyes are generally gentle in nature and also more kind and loving as well. If you observe people with close-set eyes, you would notice such people have a better power of concentration and also show high levels of consistency. Such people are also very dynamic in nature. A face with eyes that are set wide apart indicate a broadminded nature in life.

The lips also reflect a lot about the nature of a person is used for as a way to read a face. Thin lips indicate a person who is hard working and responsible as well. A small mouth shows that the person is capable of high levels of concentration. Fuller lips are an indication of people who love to have fun and are more relaxed in their approach towards life. A wide mouth indicates someone who loves to discover new experiences.

A square jaw signifies an indomitable spirit in the person and fuller cheeks are a sign of vigor and vitality. A person with a protruding chin shows a hint of self-obsession.

A small nose indicates a weak-minded person. An aquiline nose means a person is basically self centered and indecisive as well. A large nose means a person with a strong character. A large nose with a blunt tip indicates a practical person.

The shape of the eyebrows is also very useful for face reading. Straight eyebrows mean a levelheaded person. A person with thin eyebrows indicates someone with low confidence. Curved eyebrows indicate a higher level of intelligence in a person.

Use these tips on face reading to know more about people around you. Of course, a personal interaction and your own observation powers would prove to be useful to know a person better!

Chinese Art of Face Reading

"Your face, my thane, is as a book where
Men may read strange matters. " -William Shakespeare (In the play Macbeth)

William Shakespeare in one of his most famous plays Macbeth quotes the line "There’s no art to find the mind’s construction in the face." The reason is face is an open-book of the mind.

As per the Chinese art of face reading, human body is consists of three parts - a tangible physical body, mental body and the spiritual body. It is believed the true nature of a person is reflected on his face. Similarly, an individual’s emotions and his state of well-being are also revealed by face and also body language.

Chinese Art of Face Reading - In Brief

The art of face reading began in China round 3000 years ago. Gui-Gu Tze is the father of Chinese face reading art. He lived during 481-221 BC and his book Xiang Bian Wei Mang is still used by many who are interested in the art of face reading.

Chinese art of face reading uses the facial features of an individual. The color and shape along with certain areas of the face is also considered while reading the face. Chinese technique of face reading divides the face into 108 parts and each areas is used to predict events or to understand an individual’s personality.

A Chinese face reader starts reading the personality and the future of an individual from his ears. The face of an individual is divided into three sections.

    * The upper section determines the fate of an individual from the age of 15 to 30 and includes the forehead. This section is called the celestial region. The reason, during this period the fate of a person rests in the heavenly hands than on one’s efforts and hard work.
    * The middle section of the face called as the human region starting from the eyebrows up to the nose. This section controls the destiny of an individual from the age of 31 to 50. The success and failure of a person very much depend on his deeds during this period.
    * The lower section of the face is called the earthy region. The earthy region starts from the bottom of the nose to the chin. The fate and destiny of an individual after 50 years is revealed by this region.

Chinese Art of Face Reading – Parts of a Face

Ears - The fate and fortune of an individual is determined by his ears. In Chinese art of face reading the left ear is associated with the destiny of a person from birth to age of seven. While, the right ear tells about his future from the age of 8 to 14 years-of-age. It is believed a pair of well developed, large and thick earlobes are a sign of good luck, intelligence and long life.

Forehead - The width of the forehead determines the fate and destiny of an individual during his growing up years. During these years he is under the protection of his parents and ancestors. If an individual has a high and broad forehead it means he would lead a good life.

Eyebrows - Thick and long eyebrows are considered to be a good sign in Chinese art of face reading. It is said the wider the space between two eyebrows, the better.

Eyes - According to Chinese art of face reading, the eyes of an individual reveals his intelligence.

Cheeks - Well developed and high cheeks show the confidence of an individual. As per the Chinese art of face reading, the size of a cheek reveals the energy and the confidence levels of an individual.

The other facial organs such as nose, mouth and chin also play a significant role in the Chinese art of face reading. Nose is associated with personal wealth, the mouth deals with the sexuality and the chin determines the prosperity of an individual.

Face Reading – Physiognomy

Face reading or physiognomy is an ancient practice of telling the nature and future of an individual by reading his face. Physiognomy has been mentioned extensively in the literatures of medieval times and also in classical literatures of Homer and Hippocrates. Physiognomy or face reading is a branch of ancient practical philosophy. The Greek philosopher, Aristotle used to examine the personality of a person by reading different features of the face and also the skin color, body, hair, voice, gait and limbs. Face reading or physiognomy was practiced by Latin philosophers such as Pliny the Elder, Suetonius and Juvenal.

Face Reading – Physiognomy

Face reading would offer information about the nature and character of a person. A professional reader could read some of the characteristics such as intelligence, reliability and honesty. A couple of points noteworthy in predictions through face reading are the width, height and shape of the head and face.

Forehead - The forehead is classified as wide, narrow, round and shallow. Practicality and cleverness is associated with a wide forehead. People with a wide forehead are capable of executing duty diligently. An individual with a deep or round forehead is an idealistic person and these people value longstanding friendship. Constraints and obstacles in family life are associated with a narrow forehead. While, obstacles in career and family troubles are associated with shallow forehead.

Eyebrows - The eyebrows of a person reveals his temperament and the reputation. An ideal brow is a highly arched. This pattern of eyebrow is seen on the faces of actors and actresses. If you come across an individual with developed brow line, you would know he is observant and is dexterous. Sensitive and aesthetic temperaments are associated with a straight brow. A person whose brow grows thickly over his nose bridge is considered to be possessive and envious of others. A thin set of eyebrows reveal the cautious nature of an individual while making major decisions.

Nose - The attitude and the wealth of a person is revealed by the size of one’s nose. According to face readers, the size of the nose is the indication of wealth and also the attitude of a person with regards to financial issues. An ideal nose has a high and straight nose bridge and a fleshy nose tip. An oversize nose tip reveals the violent tendencies of an individual. While, a fleshy nose tip indicates warmth and cordial personality of an individual. Strong will-power and independence are the two characteristics associated with an aquiline nose.

Philtrum - One of the facial features a face reader notices is the groove on the upper lip known as the Philtrum. If an individual has an unpronounced philtrum it reveals his low energy level. While, a deep and clearly marked groove means a strong and healthy energy levels.

Lips - The lips are associated with communication, nurturing relationship and sensual appetites. Full and round lips would convey caring nature of an individual. A thin lower lip indicates giving nature while a thin upper reveals an inability of an individual to reciprocate feelings in a relationship.

The other facial features considered while face reading are the eyes, chin, cheek and ears. Face reading or physiognomy was used during the 18th and the 19th centuries to detect criminal tendencies.

Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication

Among all the non-verbal communication signals, eye body language is probably the most mesmerizing. They say the eyes are "the windows to the soul." I agree, since your appealing eyes much reveal your inner thoughts and feelings. Even more astonishing is the fact that you can use eye body language to build trust and make people similar to you. Following are some points:

Making eye contact is the key.
Around 70% of the time you must make eye contact if you want to convey your sincerity and respect. Avoiding eye contact instinctively gives the notion of dishonesty, shyness, anxiety, or humiliation.

If you incessantly avoid making eye contact, you might be professed as someone who is insecure, unreliable or even deceitful. Although that may not be the case, but who fails to make proper eye contact that’s the normal impression, people go with.
If you are too modest or scared to make eye contact, just have a glimpse at the bridge of the nose or the portion between their eyes, and they’ll think that you’re looking at them.

Be aware of your eye body language.
Some people instinctively send body language signals that affront other people, so be perceptive to your eye actions. Rolling your eyes indicates irritation, so avoid doing that.

Your eyes glow if you’re in a pleasant or cheerful condition, and they look dull when you’re lonely or dejected. It might be a good idea to rearrange your rendezvous with your desired person, if you’re facing any kind of problems or feeling dull and gloomy.

Reveal your eyes.
Try to avoid wearing sunglasses, because covering up them might give the intuition that you’re hiding something. Since eyes are very expressive, not allowing people to see your eyes implies that you don’t want them to know how you feel or think. It also makes the other party feel quite uncomfortable because they don’t know if you’re gazing at them or not.

Know what people’s eye body language means.
How to know whether people are paying attention to you? Nodding their heads, smiling, and/or leaning closer helps to establish eye contact and you’ll come to know by that.

Raising their eyebrows, might indicate or implies something, end the conversation, or might have even disagreed with something you’ve said.
It may be a good idea to keep away from the people who deliberately elude your eyes and show no intention of giving you a glance, probably are not interested in talking with you.

Don’t look if they don’t like to be looked at.
Be aware of people who might get offended by looking at them. Some people avoid eye contact because of extreme shyness; so don’t add to their discomfort by staring at them.

People of varied cultures may consider eye contact as a negative or disrespect act, so be sensitive when you’re meeting people and adjust accordingly to their beliefs.
Apart from reading eye body language, be smart enough to check other nonverbal signs so that you’ll have a more accurate assessment of what they’re thinking or feeling.

Face Reading Techniques

Face reading techniques help you learn a lot about a person's inner characteristics and nature. It will help you notice if the person is hard working or a sinister character. Face reading techniques is not a new science or study, but has been around since Aristotle's time. There is a vast history and extensive literature available regarding face reading or physiognomy. The classical literature containing information on face reading by Homer, Hippocrates have also been found. But, the crown for carrying out extensive research and study on physiognomy goes to Aristotle. He studied the various features like color, skin, hair, limbs, gait and even voice and noted down his interpretations. The practice of physiognomy or face reading techniques have also been noted by Latin classical authors like Jubenal, Suetonius and Pliny the Elder.

The initial face reading techniques were descriptive in nature and the medieval ones related to the predictive and astrological sides. Al-Razi, an Arab writer and alchemist and Avicenna a renowned scholar have also been known to have contributed a lot to the literature related to physiognomy or face reading techniques. By the 18th and 19th century, the art of physiognomy was widely used to detect criminal tendencies. In the 20th century, the face reading techniques became popular in the interpretation of mental faculties and character traits. Franz-Joseph Gall developed a method of pure empiricism that according to him could detect the criminal minds.

Dr. Edward Vincent Jones, a US Superior Court Judge, in the 1920's went on to study the physiognomy traits. He was motivated to learn more about the face reading techniques as he found many similarities between the hundreds and thousands of people he met in his courtroom. With the earlier literature as his basis, he resolved the contradicting statements in and came up with his own sixty four physical traits and called it 'personology'. These personology traits are also seen in systems other than physiognomy. American psychologist Paul Ekman, in the 1960's, started a face reading business, where he found the face as an instrument to communicate. This facial communication according to him are governed by certain rules that help in reading facial expressions. This article will discuss some free face reading techniques that will help you get a fair idea regarding the inner true self of a person. The following free face reading techniques cover few important facial expressions that will help you learn more about the unknown traits of a known person.

Face Reading Tips

Face reading techniques have been studied through centuries to know more about an individual. The inquisitive human mind has always been fascinated to know more about the minds of his fellow men. The ancient Chinese art of face reading believed in the ideology that the human face was a reflection of the inner spirit and the people of Medieval Europe thought the face was synonymous with virtue. There are over 100 points on the face that you can analyze and find more about a person. Here we will see a few face reading tips that you may find useful when trying to learn more about a person. You can learn more on body language.

Facial Shape
You can learn a lot about a person with his or her facial shape. The following common facial shapes will help you learn a few face reading tips:

    * Round Face: They are known as water-shaped faced people. They have a plump and fleshy face. People with round faces are an emotional lot. They are known to be sensitive and caring. They are thought to have strong sexual fantasies. If you are looking forward for a long term, stable relationship, these people will prove to be the right choice.
    * Oblong Face: The long, thin face is called as the wood-shape face. These people may have a muscular or athletic physic. They are thought to be practical, methodical and tend to be a tad more overworked. They are thought to be weighed along with narcissism and may have problematic relationships.
    * Triangular Face: These face types are usually related to a thin body and intellectual suasion. They are considered to be creative and thought to have a fiery temperament according to the Chinese face readers.
    * Square: They are known as the metal shape face. These people are thought to have an intelligent, analytical and decisive mind. The face shape is associated with an aggressive and dominating nature. You can read more on face shape and personality

Face Profile
There are five types of face profiles that you should consider when trying to read a person with the help of face reading techniques. The five face profile types are:

    * Convex: The person with the convex profile types have a sloping forehead, slightly prominent brows and a large nose that is slightly curved. They also have a receding chin shape. These people come under the category of hard headed people who have a demanding nature and an impatient streak.
    * Concave: The people with concave profile type have a prominent forehead, almost flat eye brows, smaller and straight or slightly inward curved or bent nose. They have a flat mouth and well formed chin that has an outward curve. These people are thought to be good natured and patient lot. They tend to judge over things intentionally.
    * Plane: The plane profile type neither have the intentional character of the concave type or the demanding nature of the convex type. They have a consistent character and a balanced state of mind.
    * Concave-Convex: This profile has individuals with a concave upper part and lower convex facial part. These people tend to be of very weak character and are often impulsive in nature. They tend to be very unreliable people.
    * Convex-Concave: The upper face in convex and the lower face is concave. These people are said to have a dominating and ruling personality. They are also associated with the intentional and persistent nature of the concave profile.

Forehead Shape
You can learn many things about a person's thinking style if you know the face reading techniques related to the forehead. The following forehead tips will help you know more:

    * Straight Forehead: These are known as progressive thinkers and follow a progressive style of thinking. They cannot think of a third point, until they understand the second point. They are mostly misunderstood in childhood as dumb kids though, they turn out to be intelligent. It is the progressive style that slows down their thinking and they do not have a fast reflex response. They have difficulty when working under pressure and need time to think progressively. Thus many times they tend to loose their control in situations like the last few minutes before their exam ends or in case of deadlines.
    * Slopped Forehead: These people are fast thinkers and so quick they tend to complete your sentences before you finish. They are easily bored with people with straight forehead as they cannot slow down to match their speed. You can find basketball players and football players with slopped foreheads as they are quick and fast. They are also quick decision makers and thus tend to get caught in a lot many wrong decisions.
    * Curved Forehead: These are very creative people and do not like restrictions thrust on them. They love to use their imagination and hate to do maths and accounts. They are very good with arts and areas related to creativity and imagination. The curve of their head tends to occupy a large section of their brain, thus are very intelligent and you may find many geniuses in among them.

The eyes are said to be the windows of the soul and you can learn a lot with the help of face reading techniques of the eyes. If someone has prominent eyes you can conclude that they are bright and happy and you may consider the person as a kind hearted, friendly and approachable individual. Small, shifty eyes indicate a nervous temperament. Small eyes may also indicate a perfectionist and attentive person.

Eyes that are close set tend to show good concentration power. Uneven set eyes show the person has a different look out at things from different perspectives. Wide set eyes indicate a broad minded and tolerant person and have a little regard for figures of authority. Narrow set eyes indicate a narrow minded person.

The upward slanting eyes show an opportunistic person and someone who gets what he wants. People with deep set eyes are intense, progressive and observant. They are usually into creative and writing fields. You can even learn more about a person by the way he or she looks, whether a warm hearted person or cold and cruel nature or an amorous lover.

The face reading techniques in respect to the eye brows also reveal a lot about a person. If a person has weak or thin eye brows, he tends to be indecisive and has may lack slightly in self confidence. Bushy eyebrows indicate assertiveness and strong personality. Unibrow shows an intense persistent and these people tend to be jealous and possessive in nature. They are introverts and tend to think a lot.

The shape of the different types of noses are very important trait in face reading techniques. A person with high, straight, full and fleshy tip that has a gently flared but protected nostrils is thought to be the ideal nose shape. The fleshy tip is a symbol of warmth, cordiality and a deep sense of empathy. They have high standards set for themselves and are basically good mannered souls.

People with big or over sized nose tips indicate violent streaks and a larger nose tips shows that a is more prone to violent acts. An aquiline nosed person is a strong willed, independent and enterprising individual. An upturned nose indicates someone who loves to mix with people around him.

The face reading techniques for mouth shape also helps in learning more about a person. Small shaped mouth shows a tendency of being feminine and men with small mouth tend to be shy and not very manly in their ways. Large mouth shows a talkative person and the width indicates the generosity of character.

Thin top lips and full bottom lips indicate people who cannot reciprocate in a relationship. And full top lip and thin lower lip shows an over giving person. Caring and sensitive nature is indicated by full round lips and small lips mean a self centered personality. Lips that are curved upward indicate an optimistic person and downward curve shows a hard to please person.

In face reading techniques, a strong jawline is indicative of a very strong value system in a person. They are quick to judge and have high stamina as well as endurance power. These people tend to be stubborn. Weak jawline indicates weak personality and weak willed person. They are easily influenced by others and tend to live life according to terms set by others. People with a wider jawline than the ear line indicate a highly competitive person. They hate loosing and do not tolerate competition.

Wrinkles, something all women dread, is a useful face reading techniques. The crow's feet or wrinkles around the eyes indicate an open hearted person. They are also called as joy lines as these people tend to spread happiness wherever they go. Vertical frown lines between the eyes show a logical, hardworking and a very decisive individual. The purpose lines, that is, lines extending from the nose to the mouth are indicative of people that are walking on the right path of life.

These are just a few face reading techniques that will help you learn a bit more than you can see in a person. Face reading techniques is not an exact science. You need to learn and understand a lot before you can claim to be a face reading expert. Face reading is just like palm reading, you can never claim it to be exact and totally true, but you always tend to believe by giving it the benefit of doubt. Reading a face like an open book is not an easy task and you require a lot of talent to decipher the truth behind the mask. You can always find a kernel of truth with the help of the above free face reading techniques. Take it up as a hobby, you may never know when the face reading techniques help you out of a sticky situation.