Monday 4 July 2011

Chinese Art of Face Reading

"Your face, my thane, is as a book where
Men may read strange matters. " -William Shakespeare (In the play Macbeth)

William Shakespeare in one of his most famous plays Macbeth quotes the line "There’s no art to find the mind’s construction in the face." The reason is face is an open-book of the mind.

As per the Chinese art of face reading, human body is consists of three parts - a tangible physical body, mental body and the spiritual body. It is believed the true nature of a person is reflected on his face. Similarly, an individual’s emotions and his state of well-being are also revealed by face and also body language.

Chinese Art of Face Reading - In Brief

The art of face reading began in China round 3000 years ago. Gui-Gu Tze is the father of Chinese face reading art. He lived during 481-221 BC and his book Xiang Bian Wei Mang is still used by many who are interested in the art of face reading.

Chinese art of face reading uses the facial features of an individual. The color and shape along with certain areas of the face is also considered while reading the face. Chinese technique of face reading divides the face into 108 parts and each areas is used to predict events or to understand an individual’s personality.

A Chinese face reader starts reading the personality and the future of an individual from his ears. The face of an individual is divided into three sections.

    * The upper section determines the fate of an individual from the age of 15 to 30 and includes the forehead. This section is called the celestial region. The reason, during this period the fate of a person rests in the heavenly hands than on one’s efforts and hard work.
    * The middle section of the face called as the human region starting from the eyebrows up to the nose. This section controls the destiny of an individual from the age of 31 to 50. The success and failure of a person very much depend on his deeds during this period.
    * The lower section of the face is called the earthy region. The earthy region starts from the bottom of the nose to the chin. The fate and destiny of an individual after 50 years is revealed by this region.

Chinese Art of Face Reading – Parts of a Face

Ears - The fate and fortune of an individual is determined by his ears. In Chinese art of face reading the left ear is associated with the destiny of a person from birth to age of seven. While, the right ear tells about his future from the age of 8 to 14 years-of-age. It is believed a pair of well developed, large and thick earlobes are a sign of good luck, intelligence and long life.

Forehead - The width of the forehead determines the fate and destiny of an individual during his growing up years. During these years he is under the protection of his parents and ancestors. If an individual has a high and broad forehead it means he would lead a good life.

Eyebrows - Thick and long eyebrows are considered to be a good sign in Chinese art of face reading. It is said the wider the space between two eyebrows, the better.

Eyes - According to Chinese art of face reading, the eyes of an individual reveals his intelligence.

Cheeks - Well developed and high cheeks show the confidence of an individual. As per the Chinese art of face reading, the size of a cheek reveals the energy and the confidence levels of an individual.

The other facial organs such as nose, mouth and chin also play a significant role in the Chinese art of face reading. Nose is associated with personal wealth, the mouth deals with the sexuality and the chin determines the prosperity of an individual.

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