Monday 4 July 2011

Body Language of Someone in Love

Love is a wonderful emotion that can make you go mad. We often say "Love is in the air", rightly so! Love is something which makes you feel very different from within and thus shows it's signs in your body language and you might end up showing all of them, unknowingly! And as they say, non-verbal communication is any day of more significance than just verbal talks. So, body language of someone in love, matters a ton. People are often confused whether they "love" or "like" someone but, liking is the initial stage of loving. Liking is something in which you might handle yourself, but not when in love. Love has it's own body language, so if you love someone, then you are sure to show the body language love signals listed below.

To love someone, you would definitely want to be his/her friend first to understand him/her. I believe, knowing each other is of utmost importance only after which you can be confident and say, "I love you". Friendship can just do the trick! Also, caring, understanding, trusting and accepting each other's faults, being true...being yourself and being loyal can make your love immortal!

Body Language Love Signals When in Love

Body Language Love Signal #1
The first body language love signal shows in your eyes. I am sure you agree on this one. Eyes can never lie; they always depict what you feel and for whom. Your eyes will always want to see that special someone, when in a group of friends or otherwise. Making eye contact is a common thing that people do when in love. Also, looking away when s/he catches you, comes to you naturally, when in love. Eye body language is the best way to know that you are in love.

Body Language Love Signal #2
When you are in a common friend circle, you would always want to notice his or her reactions to each and everything; say a joke or any time pass talk which is going on. You can say, you are looking for a chance to look at him/her.

Body Language Love Signal #3
If you are in love, you might just be lost in your own world even though you are happy and the person is sitting besides you. Many thoughts might come to your mind during that span as to whether s/he likes me? or 'How should I tell him/her?' or 'When should I confess?', etc.

Body Language Love Signal #4
You would want to talk with that person for hours and hours, but you would surely ignore him/her many a times, which you will realize too, but you would do it purposely. You won't feel good about it later, but you will be weird because you wanted to be. This might happen when you are really frustrated with yourself and think what have I done to myself?

Body Language Love Signal #5
When at home, you would always want to chat with him/her or call him/her to know what's going on in his/her life. Rather, I would say, wait for his/her call or message. You will share every damn thing with him/her and really enjoy those "talks" even though they are just of 5 minutes or so. Also, you will always go through the chats or think about what you spoke with him/her, later.

Body Language Love Signal #6
It is but obvious that you love him/her means you are attracted to him/her. Attraction is an important body language of someone in love. You will always want to be close with or lean towards him/her or sit next to him/her, when in a friend circle. You will obviously feel awkward, but you will do that! This is very normal. The hormones do it. It's not your fault. You can also read through some signs of attraction.

Body Language Love Signal #7
Also, the most important thing apart from your eyes, is your smile. It says it all! You will always smile when you talk to him/her, more precisely when you think about him/her. It won't be your normal smile. It will be "Different!" :) I hope you got it, because it can't be explained.

Body Language Love Signal #8
Also, you would talk/discuss about him/her 24x7 with others, say your best friends and you would love doing the same.

Body Language Love Signal #9
The most important thing that will make you feel that you love someone is being happy. You will always feel good and be extremely happy when you are with him/her. You might forget all your problems and enjoy every moment of being with him/her.

Body Language Love Signal #10
The last of all is your mind, it will always think of him/her, especially while going to sleep. You will close your eyes and s/he is bound to come in your thoughts.

Body Language Love Signal #11
Also, if you have started looking good suddenly and there is a glow on your face, sure shot you are in love. Your facial expressions will change and I am sure you will feel, you look so damn good, when looking in a mirror! You would also make it a point to look good all the time at least whenever you meet him/her. Gain some tips on facial reading.

Body Language of Men and Women in a Relationship

    * Body language love signals shown by couples in relationships, would always be something like being together all the time, caring and understanding each other. We all know what's PDA (it is a body language love sign as well!)
    * They would rely on each other for everything and would honestly, take each other for granted, since they "have" each other.
    * Being romantic and making love would also be in their mind; it's a definite body language love sign.
    * Also, women would always want their partner to be with her during her sad times.
    * And mind you, women are very serious when they love someone; they want to spend their entire life with their partners.
    * On the other hand, men want to fight alone because they feel they have the strength to do so. But they can be much more caring than their partners, because when they love someone, they can do anything for her.

I hope you must have understood until now that body language of someone in love is "different". BUT, men are men and women are women! And when it comes to confessing "I love You"; both the sexes think apart which is evident from their body language. Women always want the special someone to understand that she loves him and would always feel shy and reluctant in confessing first. They will wait until they are sure about the guys' feelings and would expect the guy to make the first call. Men are totally different. Even if they love her, they feel hesitant to confess because they are supposed to be the superior sex. They will want to take their own time to realize they are in love but when they do realize, they will end up proposing, surely. Refer to body language and signs of attraction and signs of male attraction, if you are still confused.

So, if you love someone (I am sure you must have some time shown the body language love signals listed above), it's great! Choose the right guy/girl and make sure s/he likes you as well. Don't get carried away and I hope you will get him/her soon, if you haven't. All the best! :)

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