Tuesday 5 July 2011

Anodyne Therapy

Does the pain push you to the verge of tears? Do you find it difficult to concentrate on anything due to acute pain? Are you looking for a fast and permanent solution to your pain? Have you heard of Anodyne therapy? If your answer is NO!, then you must read on, to know more about this new and amazing pain relief therapy, and if your answer is YES!, continue irrespective. Let's discuss different aspects of this therapy, and satisfy some important queries. Here we go!

Anodyne Therapy

Anodyne therapy is a type of light therapy, that uses monochromatic infrared rays to increase blood circulation, in order to relieve pain, muscle spasm and stiffness. It makes use of a special equipment called infrared therapy device, that is applied directly to the skin over the affected area. The monochromatic infrared photo energy from the device, passes through the skin and reaches the target area. It stimulates blood circulation in that particular region. Blood brings in nutrients and oxygen and flushes out the toxins. When this process runs successfully, the affected area recovers and begins functioning normally. This is the basis of anodyne therapy.

Anodyne therapy generally proves to be effective, immediately after the first session. The number of sessions depend on the patient's history and the severity of the pain. On an average, 3-4 sessions are effective enough to obtain the desired results.

Anodyne therapy has been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) as being one of the remedies that helps to temporarily increase blood circulation and reduce pain, stiffness and muscle spasms.

Anodyne Therapy Technique

Anodyne therapy can only augment the effect of occupational or physical therapy. Therefore, it is basically meant for those patients who are already undergoing regular conventional therapy. A patient can receive this form of therapy, either at the office of the health care practitioner, or at his own home. It depends upon the convenience of both the provider and the receiver. A provider does not need to necessarily have a certificate to provide the therapy. Only sound knowledge in this field is a must.

Before the first session of anodyne therapy, the provider conducts a detailed interview with the recipient, to understand the onset, duration and intensity of the pain. The patient is also required to discuss the goal of recovery and the type of the physical therapy already undergone.

Safety Aspects

Anodyne therapy can be used by all relatively healthy patients. It can be applied to all body parts, including the spine. It can also be safely used on metal implants, pins, screws, pacemakers and defibrillators. No adverse effects have yet been reported, but this therapy is still in its infant stage. There is still immense scope for medical research to be done in this field. It would be beneficial to consider the following points, to be on the safer side, before opting for the therapy.

    * It is always safe to opt for anodyne therapy, only after getting a prescription from a registered medical practitioner.
    * There is a possibility of skin burn, as this therapy involves infrared light. Therefore, the duration of exposure is something to be considered during application.
    * A tingling sensation is felt on exposure to infrared rays, as blood circulation is stimulated. For patients suffering from blood disorders, the tingling and burning sensation is more.
    * Diabetic patients need to check their blood sugar more frequently, while getting active therapy sessions.
    * Pregnant women should not use it over the abdomen or lower back, as it might harm the fetus development.
    * Anodyne therapy should not be used on cancerous tumors.
    * Topical heating agents like Icy Hot, Ben Gay and Capsaicin should be completely removed before an anodyne session.

When a health care practitioner believes that anodyne therapy might help in the management of the symptoms of pain, he recommends it to the patient. It is at this time that most people are made aware of this form of therapy.

The fact is that anodyne therapy is safe to use and has relieved thousands of people from pain and sickness. The provider only needs to be careful about the exposure levels of infrared light. The result would be nothing less than a happy, painless sigh of relief, on the face of the patient.

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