Monday 4 July 2011

Body Language of Attraction

"Body language is a very powerful tool. We had body language before we had speech, and apparently, 80% of what you understand in a conversation is read through the body, not the words." ~ Deborah Bull

Have you ever noticed, it is easier to approach some people as compared to others, even though there is nothing that has been said or done, but still, there are some people that are easy to gel with, as compared to others! Why is that so? Also, while you are sitting in a bar looking at this great girl right across, there is something that doesn't give you the push to go out to her and talk…and then you look at a different direction and find another woman who is equally gorgeous, but somehow you feel it more safe to approach her as compared to the first one? Why is that? A sign from God? No, it was a sign of her body language!!! Body language attraction can work even without us realizing the impact of it! This article will tell you all about how you can read the signs of body language when it comes to attracting people. Read on…

Body Language Attraction Signs

This section will help you read the body language signs of attraction which we all tend to give out to others, be it knowingly or unknowingly! Have you had that experience, wherein you are doing something, or saying something, without having any idea of what you are saying or doing! This usually happens in front of the person you are attracted to. You don't do it on purpose, it just happens. Similarly, there are some body language of attraction signs that we do on purpose to show the other person that we like them, while there are other signs that just come naturally to us. Below mentioned are such signs which can help you understand about the other person's interest in you or vice versa. Have a look…

An Inviting Smile
Yes, it's an inviting smile that attracts a person towards you and makes them feel that you are approachable! There are different kinds of smiles. But only the one that reaches your eyes is considered to be a genuine and inviting smile! When a person smiles at you, even if you have never spoken in words before, the smile will tell you that here is a person whom I can speak with.

A Spark in the Eyes
Now, by saying a spark in the eyes, I don't mean that you will see the person's eyes filled with glitters!!! If you are close enough, the sure shot sign that the person is attracted to you is the dilation of the pupil. They say that when a person is attracted to something, the pupils start to dilate. Even if you are not that close to notice it, the smile will always accompany clear and fully opened eyes, because if the person is interested, the smile will reach the eyes.

The Posture
Posture also plays an important part when it comes to body language and signs of attraction! If a person is sitting or standing with their knees pointing towards you, this means that the person is interested in talking to you. Speaking of women, if they are sitting crossed leg with the toes pointing in the other direction, this means that she is really not interested, so you must back off! However, if she is sitting crossed leg or with crossed arms, but her toes or knees are pointing towards you, this means that she wants to talk to you but is just not comfortable with herself at that point of time! As far as reading a man's body language is concerned, they will try to make as much as eye contact as possible, and will always lean towards you, or sit or stand in the same direction as you. The leaning will be at a distance of course!

The Closeness
This is something most men are very scared off, and often confused about! How much distance is 'safe distance'??? Well, when you are approaching a woman to speak to her, you must be close enough so that she can hear you, but not too close so that she is forced to call 911!!! It is best to be at a distance of about 15-20 inches. If you invade her space, that is get too close, she will immediately step back. This is an indication that you are crossing the boundaries. Let her decide how close she wants to get. Also, make sure that you don't put your arms behind your back. Be a gentleman, not a cadet!

The Preening
Now this is among the body language of attraction signs that mostly happens naturally, without the person realizing it. If you notice yourself, or the other person doing it, this means that there is definitely a mutual admiration for each other. Usually, the signs of attraction from women include, playing with their hair by rolling their fingers on them, or may be toss them over their shoulders. While men on the other hand may fiddle with their tie or shirt buttons, or try to clean the imaginary dirt on their shoulders.

The Mirroring
Another major sign of attraction through body language is the mirroring. Again, this is something that happens automatically and not intentionally. Also most of the time, you can easily make out if a person is doing it intentionally or things are just happening. An example for mirroring would be, complementing each other at the same time, holding the glass in the same direction, ordering the same drink etc etc.

These were the major signs of body language attraction. Similarly, there are many many signs that we tend to emit while socializing with others. Not only is it important to be careful of what you are noticing in others, it is also important to be sure whether you are giving out the correct signs. As mentioned in the beginning of the article, 80% of what you understand in a conversation is read through the body, not the words. Good luck!

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