Sunday 3 July 2011

How to Speak Latin

Historically the language of ancient Romans, Latin (lingua latina) was widely used in a large part of Europe and the Mediterranean region post the Roman conquest. Most of the exotic romantic languages like French, Spanish and German, are said to have descended from this italic language. In fact, centuries ago learning how to speak Latin was considered the benchmark of genteel civility and intellectual scholarship.

Today it is used in a wide range of spheres like philosophy, medicine and law. In fact almost half of the English vocabulary is filled with Latin words like et cetera and per capita. It is incidentally also the official language of the Vatican city and the Holy see. It is obvious that with such a history, learning the language in a short period of time is quite an impossible task. However, you can learn certain Latin phrases that can help you get through the day. Here are some instructions that will solve your problem of how to speak Latin.

Learning to Speak Latin

Purchase a Latin-English Dictionary: Pick up the latest Latin to English dictionary and you will be able to translate most of the words and phrases.

Hire a Tutor: A Latin tutor can help you complete your language instruction with interactive study. You can find one online or just advertise in a local newspaper for one. The downside; just when you are resigned to the fact that Latin nouns have something called an "absolute case," your tutor announces that the absolute case can be subdivided into the "ablative absolute," "ablative of attendant circumstance," "ablative of degree of difference," "ablative of fine or penalty," and "ablative of time during which" (Still do not know what all that means though)!

Buy a Language Software: If you have decided that self instruction is the way to go, then buy a language software or some audio CD courses to help you on your way to mastering the language. There are a number of free online tutorials that can also be of great help.

Practice, practice, practice: Okay, even if you cannot really become a professor of Latin, at least learn some common phrases and keep practicing it till you get a hang of it. The only problem with this is, that in case you loose track of which quotes correspond to which quotation you would end up saying Aio, quantitas magna frumentorum est (It roughly translates to "Yes, that's a very large amount of corn"!) instead of something more romantic to the lovely young ladies.

Guide to Everyday Latin Phrases

    * salve! - Greetings!
    * Vale - Goodbye
    * bene! - Great!
    * euge! - Hurray!
    * satis! - Enough!
    * eheu! - Oh, no!
    * quis es tu? - Who are you?
    * quid vis? - What do you want?
    * audi! - Listen up!
    * placentne tibi? - Do you like them?
    * Die dulci freure - Have a nice day
    * ego tibi gratias maximas ago - Thanks a million!

Along with these common Latin phrases, here are some that will tickle your funny bone. I wish my teacher had taught me these in my Latin classes. I am sure I wouldn't have drifted off to sleep then!

Make Excuses the Latin Way

    * Canis meus id comedit - The classic "my dog ate it" excuse
    * Sane ego te vocavi. Forstan capedictum tuum desit - I did call. Maybe your answering machine is broken
    * Horologium manuale meum stitit - My watch stopped
    * Currus meus se movere noluit - My car wouldn't start
    * Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est? - I was kidnapped by aliens. What year is this?

Some Terms of "Endearment"

    * Fiber fervidus - Eager beaver
    * Pavo absolutus - Total turkey
    * Lacertus atrioli - Lounge lizard
    * Fera festiva - Party animal
    * Radix lecti - Couch potato

Things to Say at the Vatican

    * Ductine haec via ad Capellam Sextinam? - Is this the way to the Sistine Chapel?
    * Ecce lacunar mirum! - Now that's a ceiling!
    * Ubi possum potiri petasi similis isti? - Where can I get a hat like that?

Although the language may sound quite profound and somber, learning how to speak Latin can be an easy and fun thing to do. Remember learning any language needs patience and time. After all "Anyone can learn to sail in a day, but it takes a lifetime to become a sailor".

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