Sunday 3 July 2011

How to Speak Gibberish

Siblings often invent a language to entertain themselves and have a little fun. They often use something like the 'p-language' or the 'f-language' where they put a 'p' or 'f' at the start of every syllable. Perhaps, it is the joy of inventing a new language that gives them immense satisfaction. Anyway, kids these days are burdened, having to learn so many languages like the English language, the Spanish language and the French language, so the idea of inventing your own language sounds pretty cool. Or may be it is that cool 'secret-agent' feeling they get because they feel they are speaking in a coded language. Gibberish is actually a very commonly spoken language. But the problem is, there is nothing particularly unique about it as it is spoken almost everywhere. Still, children do derive happiness out of learning and speaking this language. So, you want to know how to speak gibberish?

Learn How to Speak Gibberish?
Let me start by saying that if you thought learning how to speak gibberish is easy, you are wrong. Learning gibberish, as is the case with most languages, requires a lot of practice. Here are some of the basic 'grammar' principles of Gibberish.

The most commonly spoken version of gibberish adds the words 'idig' after every syllable. Hence for a bisyllabic word, say 'dog', will be gibbered as 'd-idig-og'. Remember, the 'idig' does not go at the end of the last syllable. The last syllable stays the way it was. For a word starting with two or more consonants, the 'idig' will be added at the end of the consonants. Hence in gibberish, 'strong' is pronounced as 'str-idig-ong'. If the word begins with a vowel, then the vowel is replaced by 'I'. So in gibberish, 'eat' is pronounced 'idigeat'. Easy? Well these were very small words! Gibberish becomes challenging when you try pronouncing longer words with more syllables. How would you pronounce the word 'example'? Remember the rule: the 'idig' has to be added after every syllable. Hence, 'example' becomes 'e-idig-xa-idig-mp-idig-le'. At the same time 'flower' becomes 'fl-idig-ow-idig-er'. Phew! That is tough. And mind you, gibberish has to be spoken fast and fluently, hence make sure that you practice.

Other Dialects
Kids in different parts of the world may speak or invent different dialects to the language as they may like. But currently, the most commonly spoke dialects use 'itheg', 'uddag' and 'atheb'. The rules of the game remain the same. You have to add these words after every syllable, except the last one. You can also add a letter between the added word and the syllables of the original word to make it a bit more personalized. Here are examples of some dialects of gibberish.

cat = 'kithegat'
creep = 'krithegeep'
flower = 'flithegowitheger'

dog = 'duddagog'
creek = 'kruddageek'
flower = 'fluddagowuddager'

So this was a brief introduction on how to speak Gibberish. So now you can teach your friends and converse with them in Gibberish regularly. It might be slightly difficult to get used to, but once you do get the hang of it, it will be a fun game for you and your friends! Sidigo, haidigave fidigun!

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