Sunday 3 July 2011

Learning a Second Language

The only exposure to a second language that most of us get, is during a couple of years of high school, and that too, only because it is part of the school curriculum. As we move towards graduation, many of us forget most of what we had learned during those couple of years. So unless, you happen to come from a multi-culture parental background, chances are, one language is what you'll be stuck with for the rest of your days.

However, in today's times, it is always handy (and at times, almost necessary) to be able to speak another tongue. Technological advances has reduced the geographical divide between countries and has brought the world closer. Travel, work, business, leisure and a host of other reasons have made learning different languages a near necessity. Read more on reasons to learn a foreign language. Let us have a look as to why you should go about learning a second language, benefits of doing so, etc.

Learning a Second Language - Benefits
So why should one invest time in learning a second language? Is it really worth it? Is it important only from a professional perspective, or does it play a role in one's personal life as well? What are the benefits of learning a second language? Let us see.

It goes without saying that bilingual or multilingual skills will be of great help in the professional domain. If you happen to be working in a multinational corporation which has offices or business development centers spread across the globe, then your bilingual or multilingual skills could become a big plus point in your professional resume. If the need arises for someone from your work center to travel abroad for project supervision, business meetings, etc. then your foreign language skills could very well work in your favor and could land you the job. Read more on benefits of being bilingual.

Needless to say, being able to speak a foreign language, for example, the Chinese language, would benefit you immensely should you be traveling to China. Be it for business or for leisure, being able to speak the language of that country will save you a lot of communication trouble and other hassles and inconveniences. If you are fond of tourism and of exploring different places or territories, then knowledge of the local language is a must-have to avoid bad experiences or discomfort.

If you are a high school student or a college student who is interested in going abroad for further education, then you will, in all probability, have to learn the language of the country where you wish to move to, for further studies. In some cases or countries, being able to speak that country's national language is a prerequisite for students wishing to pursue education in that country. Read more on second language acquisition theory.

Personal Growth
Learning a second language can help in broadening one's horizon, it can help in learning about the culture of that particular country and it can pave the way for new interests and hobbies. Not only can you enjoy forms of art and literature pertaining to the new language, but you can also meet new people, make new friends and develop long-lasting relationships...all on the basis of learning a new language.

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