Monday 4 July 2011

Reading People's Faces

Face is the index of mind. So true, so apt. Generally, our faces can tell all about our moods and feelings (except if someone is a brilliant actor who can hide emotions and moods and not let them reveal on the face). Reading people's faces has been a trend that has existed since centuries.

Understanding body language and using it to your advantage has become a necessity in every sphere of life. In interviews, a confident face reflects poise and stability while someone with lack of confidence remains restless and that easily reflects on his face. Face reading is an art and if mastered it can help you to take wise decisions. Reading people's face is a great way to effectively study and know a person more effectively.

Reading People's Facial Expressions

Your eyes are a gateway to enter into your psyche. They're just like mirrors that reflect your inner thoughts and what's going on in the gray matter. It's not surprising that your girlfriend/boyfriend can decipher your mind within few seconds, just by looking at you. In love mates, eyes create a sensational chemistry (you know when you want a hug or a kiss, just by looking into the eyes). Certainly eye body language is unique in its own way.

During interviews, an eye contact with all interview panels with a cheerful face reflects confidence and ease. Staring into the eyes of the person and saying something is not correct way of expressing yourself in an interview. By eye to eye contact, I mean that one should look directly into the eyes of the other person and convey his thoughts with poise and confidence.

One of the aspects of body language, is face reading. For reading people's faces, one can closely observe the size of eyes. For example, small eyes of a person indicates that he or she is very focused and gives attention to detail. Large eyes indicate broad mindedness of an individual while very closed set eyes indicate intense concentration. (Crossed eyes would simply mean a squint!) Read more on: reading facial expressions.

Reading People's Body Language

To learn reading people by body language, one has to understand the basics of body language. Right from body posture to eye contact, everything can tell about an individual's personality. For instance, your handshake tells a lot about your personality. Palm to palm contact is suggestive of the fact that you're an honest and an individualistic type of person. A limp handshake with no power in it, displays some sort of lack of confidence in the personality. Now, this doesn't mean you utilize all your energy in the handshake and crush the other person's hand. This over enthusiasm is not required during handshake. Be poise and confident. The handshake automatically becomes classy.

Sitting, standing and walking in a good posture also reflects a positive attitude about yourself. Holding arms across the chest can convey that you're creating a barrier between you and the person talking to you. In some cases, it just comes naturally and hence it just means that the person is comfortable and is listening attentively.

Read People Deeper

One of the most important tips for reading people's faces is to observe the shape and size of a person's face. A long and thin face is a sign of attractive personality, tolerance and ambition. People with broad faces have a very compassionate outlook towards life and they are open minded with a deep acceptance of several ideas and thoughts. Round faces are a sign of jovial person and such people make the environment lively and filled with energy. People with square faces are very ambitious about achieving their dreams.

In your endeavor to learn how to read faces, one has to focus on lips, eyes, forehead etc. Every part of face reflects some quality. Fuller lips indicate the person is fun loving and loves new experiences. Broad forehead is an indicative of knowledge and broad mindedness. Reading people's face can be practiced on daily basis and you can surely get some deep insights about the personality of an individual however, don't take it as a final answer about somebody's personality. Read more on:

    * Physiognomy
    * Face Reading Techniques
    * Face Shape and Personality

Looks can be deceptive and not everyone can be exactly having same personality traits as defined by a body language. Take body language signs just to get general information about a person and not form a strict and unchangeable assumption about his/her personality.

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