Monday 4 July 2011

Human Physiognomy

The human mind, the anatomy of the brain and its connection to body language, behavior, feelings, expressions, etc., are some of the most interesting facts that are studied by doctors and scientists. There is another unique study related to the human mind but is not as well known as the others. This is called the human physiognomy and is defined as the "assessment of an individual's personality by observing his/her facial expressions".

Our face is the best mode of expression in our body, through which people can judge our moods, our emotions and thoughts, and sometimes even our personality. The only factors responsible for this phenomenon is the presence of hormones in our body. Duchenne de Boulogne (1806-1875) was a neurologist from France who did extensive research in this field and put across the mechanism of human physiognomy in the form of illustrations and pictures of facial expression. His findings were used as a base for further research. In the paragraphs below, you will read more about physiognomy, so keep reading!

What is Human Physiognomy?

As defined in the introduction, human physiognomy is the art of face reading and judging a person's character through his facial expressions. Since our face includes a number of parts such as forehead, eyes and eyebrows, ears, nose, lips and chin, there are various movements that are made using these parts. When the muscles of these facial parts are contracted or relaxed, there are particular facial expressions that are resulted. However, these expressions are made only when there is a specific reaction generated inside the nervous system.

Thus, you have a different facial expression when someone pinches you (pain, anger, revenge), and when someone kisses you (calm, happy, protected, etc.). Depending on these expressions, a physiognomist can guess your thoughts, emotions, and overall personality. However, you must remember that these assessments are based on personal belief and shouldn't be taken as real judgments, as every individual is different. In the following paragraphs, we have briefed you with some judgments you could make with respect to these facial parts.

A person's forehead is said to represent his/her soul. There are various types and shapes of foreheads, such as high and low, wide and narrow, flat and bumped, etc. The judgment of a person's soul can be made through the size, shape and pattern of his forehead. Along with this, the lines on the forehead are also used to determine certain characters of the person.

The nose of an individual includes the nose-bridge which is used to determine his ego. An ego is what the person thinks about himself, and is judged by either a higher or lower level. The size of the nose along with its width is also used to determine the "self image" a person may have in his mind. Therefore, people with short, small, wide, large, long, thin, turned up and turned down noses are all analyzed in different ways.

Eyes and Eyebrows
The eyes are known to be the most expressive parts of a person's face. They are considered as the mirror of a person's mind and the true nature of an individual can be determined through them. The shapes and sizes of eyes such as; large, small, round, oval, wide, bulging, close, narrow, etc., are all the variations that you will find in order to read a person's face. All these types of eyes and eye movements can determine what a person is thinking, feeling or concluding. Eyebrows represent the pleasures, senses and attractions related to a person's attitude. These judgments are made, depending on the thickness, shape and spacing of the eyebrows.

An individual's ears denote the intellectual ability and the prosperity in his life. The size of the lobe that is either large or small, which decides the prosperity of the individual. On the other hand, the placement of the ears, such as; flat, sticking out, or a low set of ears can decide your nature and the way you react to certain situations. The courage and organizational power is also determined by the placement of the earlobes, such as detached or attached lobes.

Emotions such as happiness, sadness, pleasure, attraction, control, selfishness, loyalty, lust, etc., are all determined from lips and mouth of an individual. The way your upper and lower lip is placed, the shape of both and their distance from the nose and chin can decide all the above mentioned emotions. A physiognomist can easily determine what your feelings are by analyzing the coordination between the eyes and lips.

A person's thoughts towards commitment, his determination, endurance, strength, ambition, etc., are guessed with the help of the various formations on the chin. There are different types of chins such as; prominent, long, short, wide, flat, round, pointed, with a cleft and positioned forward. These can decide how serious a person can be regarding his work and life.

With this information about human physiognomy, hope you have learned many new things about reading people's faces. However, it is valid to be done only by professionals and should not be used to make random judgments on someone.

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