Saturday 2 July 2011

Solar System Projects for Kids

Has your kid always showed an interest in the different facts about the solar system? Then why not give this interest impetus by working together on a solar system project. Choosing one of the many options for solar system projects for kids for a science fair will keep his interest alive and also help him learn more about the different celestial bodies and planets in the solar system.

Ideas for Solar System Projects for Kids

When you think of solar system project ideas for kids, the first image that crops into your mind is that of a model of the solar system. While these are definitely the best options for a science fair project on solar systems, they are also generally, the most common ones. There are a multitude of other options for easy solar system projects for kids that you can use to teach them about the different aspects of the solar system and the galaxy.

You could opt to concentrate on the constellations in the solar system for your project. If you do decide on this option for solar system projects for kids, you will need to help the child recreate the constellations on a poster board after observation of the sky on a clear night. In order to identify the constellations correctly, he will need a sky map. Get him to first recreate his observations on a poster board and then duplicate this with more clarity on another board for the science fair. If your child has shown a deep interest in astronomy, and celestial bodies, then you could also opt to recreate the different phases of the Moon. Before you move on to such a project ensure that your child understands the solar system as a whole. This is one those solar system projects for kids that will need you to observe the Moon in all its phases. This will need time. If you do not have time on your hand, then you could try and explain the phenomenon to your kid with the help of a lamp that has had its lampshade removed. Use a small ball to represent the moon and let your child's head represent planet Earth. Let the ball slowly revolve around Earth and ask your child to note down the parts which are reflecting light. Try and explain to your child, the different phases of the Moon. For the science fair project, you can create a working model, using a lamp, a ball to represent Moon, and another bigger ball to represent Earth.

Other solar system projects for kids include helping them learn how to scale down actual measurements to distances that they can easily understand. You could also decide to study the topography of other planets in the solar system. Planets like Mars and Venus which have been studied by astronomers and scientists are your best bet. You could also create models to understand the surface geography of Earth's natural satellite, Moon. One of the solar system science fair projects that you could suggest could be to study the densities of different planets and how it affects their mass. This is one of the best solar system projects for middle school students.

How to Make Solar System Projects for Kids

So you now know what are the different options that you can opt for in case you want to deviate from the oft trodden path of making a solar system model. But the fact remains that studying the solar system is always the most amount of fun if you make a model of the sun and the planets in their axis. Given below are the instructions that you will need in order to make a model of the solar system. In order to make this model you will need foam balls in different sizes, paints (acrylic), tin pie plate, wire, glue, and cardboard. This is one of the kids solar system projects that needs minimal supervision.

    * Refer to the image of the solar system, and then designate each ball to one planet depending on their size.
    * The next step is to paint the foam balls in different colors, depending on the planet/ celestial body they represent. Therefore, Mars would be painted red and Earth would be painted blue and green.
    * The next step would be to place the planets in order, according to their distance from the Sun.
    * Next you will need to create a ring for Saturn. Use the cardboard to cut out a ring with a diameter equal to the diameter of the foam ball that represents Saturn.
    * Now take the ring and slide the foam ball representing Saturn inside it. Stick the ring to the planet around the center. Paint the ring in a color that resembles the color of the actual Saturn ring.
    * Now take the wire and cut it into nine parts - one for each of the planets and one for the Sun.
    * Thread the pieces of wire through the foam balls. Once you thread it, bend the end of the wire so that it does not slip out.
    * The top portion of the wire needs to be spiraled which can be done using a pencil. First wrap the wire around the pencil and then remove it create spirals.
    * Now comes the part of attaching the planets and the sun to the tin pie plate. For this you will need to use a Swiss army knife to create holes through which the wires can be suspended.
    * Start from the middle of the tin pie plate suspending the Sun first, so that you can get your dimensions and distances right.
    * Once you have suspended all the planets, you have created your solar system model. Now just paint a background for it on a chart paper and hang it front of this background.

This is the easiest of all solar system projects for kids. It can be made easily with hardly any help. It is also possible to create 3D solar system projects for kids by using the various kits that are available in the market. These kits which are available for all ages, from solar system projects for preschoolers to project boxes for middle school students, only need you to assemble the parts given to create a solar system model. Solar system projects for kids are a great method of introducing children to the wonders of the universe and the basic concepts of astronomy.

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