Sunday 3 July 2011

Greetings in Different Languages

The communication and transport sectors have improved so much, that they have brought all the countries of the world very close. You can travel to a foreign nation in a day or chat with a person sitting in another country. This has helped each one of us to know the diverse cultures and traditions of different countries. There are almost 2,796 languages spoken all around the world. Learning different languages is fun and enables you to communicate with people belonging to different countries and cultures. So, are you going to learn a foreign language and want to begin with the greetings? Then here is a brief information on greetings in different languages.

Greetings in Different Languages for Children

Hello in Different Languages

    * Arabic - Al Salaam a'alaykum
    * Armenian - Barev
    * Bulgarian - Zdraveite
    * Cantonese - Nei Hou
    * Croatian - Bok
    * Czech - Dobry den
    * Danish - Goddag
    * Dutch - Hallo
    * Estonian - Tere
    * Finnish - Terve
    * French - Bonjour
    * German - Guten Tag
    * Greek - Kalimera
    * Hawaiian - Aloha
    * Hebrew - Shalom
    * Hindi - Namaste
    * Hungarian - Szia
    * Icelandic - Hallo
    * Indonesian - Assalamu alai kum
    * Italian - Buon giorno
    * Japanese - Konnichiwa
    * Korean - Annyong ha shimnikka
    * Lithuanian - Labas
    * Mandarin - Ni Hao
    * Mayan - Ba'ax ka wa'alik
    * Mohawk - Sekoh
    * Navajo - Ya at eeh
    * Persian - Selam
    * Polish - Czesc
    * Portuguese - Oi
    * Romanian - Buna ziua
    * Russian - Zdraustvuite
    * Samoan - Talofa lava
    * Serbian - Zdravo
    * Slovak - Dobry den
    * Slovenian - Zdravo
    * Spanish - Hola
    * Swahili - Jambo
    * Swedish - God dag
    * Tagalog - Magandang tanghali po
    * Turkish - Merhaba
    * Ukranian - Pryvit

Good Morning in Different Languages

    * Afrikaans - Goeiemôre, Môre
    * Albanian - Mirëmëngjes
    * Bulgarian - Dobro utro
    * Chinese - Zǎoān
    * Croatian - Dobro jutro
    * Danish - God morgen
    * Dutch - Goede morgen
    * Estonian - Tere hommikust
    * Finnish - Hyvää huomenta
    * French - Bonjour
    * German - Guten Morgen
    * Greek - Kaliméra
    * Hawaiian - Aloha kakahiaka
    * Hebrew - Boker tov
    * Hindi - Namaste
    * Hungarian - Jó reggelt (kívánok)
    * Indonesian - Selamat pagi
    * Irish - Dia dhuit/dhaibh ar maidin / Maidin mhaith
    * Italian - Buongiorno
    * Japanese - Ohayō gozaimasu
    * Lithuanian - Labas rytas
    * Polish - Dzień dobry
    * Portuguese - Bom dia
    * Russian - Dobroe utro
    * Spanish - Buenos días
    * Swedish - God morgon
    * Turkish - Günaydın
    * Urdu - Subha bākhair

Welcome in Different Languages

    * Albanian - Mirë se vini
    * Bosnian - Dobro dosli
    * Bulgarian (to one person) - Dobre doshal
    * Croatian (to group) - Dobro došli
    * Dutch - Welkom
    * Egyptian - Iiwy
    * Esperanto - Bonvenon
    * Estonian - Tere tulemast
    * Finnish - Tervetuloa
    * French - Bienvenue
    * German - Willkommen
    * Greek - Kalos orisate
    * Hawaiian - Aloha mai
    * Hindi - Swaagatam
    * Hungarian - Isten hozta
    * Indonesian - Selamat datang
    * Italian - Benvenuto
    * Japanese - Irashaimasu
    * Spanish (to group) - Bienvenidos
    * Vietnamese - Chào mung

So, this was a brief information on how to say hello, good morning and welcome in different languages. I hope you enjoyed reading these greetings in different languages and you will use them when you come across a person of different culture. Good Luck!

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